Home » The salary increase for civil servants with the new cut in the tax wedge

The salary increase for civil servants with the new cut in the tax wedge

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The salary increase for civil servants with the new cut in the tax wedge

The cut in the tax wedge envisaged by the Labor decree will benefit over two million civil servants, who will receive a net salary increase of between 48 and 65 euros.

From 48 to 65 euros more in the payroll for over two million civil servants, thanks to the new one cut the tax wedge decided by the Meloni government with the Work decree. The provision, approved by the executive on Monday May 1st, provides for an important intervention on the contribution wedge (but not the most important in recent decades, as Meloni said). According to the accounts carried out by the National Council of the Order of Accountants for the newspaper Il Messaggero, which cross-referenced the data of the State General Accounting Office in the Treasury’s annual account and the numbers of the cut made by the Meloni government, the intervention will also have a significant impact on public administration employees.

2.2 civil servants will benefit from the cut and receive salary increases, divided into four sectors: central functions, local functions, health and education. In the ministries it will mainly be up to the workers of the first and second area, who have the lowest salaries and therefore included in the brackets on which the cut of the Meloni government insists: the former have a gross annual income of around 25 thousand euros, and will receive an increase net of about 55 euros; the latter have a gross annual income of around 29,000 euros, and will receive a net increase of around 61 euros in payroll. And again: for the tax agencies, the reduction of the wedge will reward only the few employees in the first area, who will receive an increase of around 64 euros.

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According to the Roman daily, however, most of the increases will be concentrated in the public sector sectors where salaries are lower, i.e. school and health. The average salary of over one million teachers is slightly less than 30,000 euros gross, an increase of around 58 euros will come for them. On average, public health employees earn just over 31 thousand euros, for them the increase will be close to 60 euros per month. Finally, the biggest increases will come for INPS and Inail employees, given that wages are on average higher but below 35 thousand euros: about 65 euros more net in payroll.

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