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The Science Behind Unbroken Bones: How Do Some Survive Serious Accidents?

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The Science Behind Unbroken Bones: How Do Some Survive Serious Accidents?

Francesco Bagnaia, the Italian Ducati rider and reigning MotoGP world champion, has received good news after undergoing medical tests following a terrible accident during a race in Barcelona. The tests ruled out any fractures in Bagnaia’s legs, offering a sigh of relief to both him and his fans.

Dr. Angel Charte, head of the MotoGP paddock, had hinted at this outcome earlier. “The tests will tell us if the femur and tibia have any injuries, but with these first tests we have not found any deformities,” he had stated after the accident occurred.

The accident occurred when Bagnaia was run over by the bike of a pursuer, Binder, after falling on the track. Despite the bike passing over his leg at great speed, Bagnaia miraculously avoided any fractures.

Cesare Faldini, a full professor at the University of Bologna and director of the First Orthopedic Clinic at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, shed some light on how bones can remain unbroken after such serious accidents. According to Faldini, the internal structure of bones resembles micro-arches, known as the Haversian system. If the impact force aligns with these arcs, it is “discharged” and the bone remains intact. However, if the force acts in a different direction, the bone fractures.

Faldini also highlighted the robustness of bones, explaining that they can withstand loads potentially greater than 15-20 times the body weight. Even in everyday activities like jumping, the bones support up to 6-8 times the body weight. Faldini emphasized that energy discharges along the lines of force, which prevents bones from breaking with every jump.

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The direction of the kinetic force plays a role, but other factors come into play as well. The materials used in motorcyclists’ suits are designed to reduce shocks, and individuals who engage in regular exercise can strengthen the bone channels, reducing the risk of fractures. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can cause these channels to be reabsorbed, making sedentary individuals more prone to fractures.

In addition to fractures, serious accidents can also lead to damage to the tissues surrounding the bones. Tendons, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, and other organs may be affected, making specialized observation in trauma centers essential for monitoring any potential complications.

Ultimately, Bagnaia’s escape from leg fractures is a testament to the conformation of his bones, the direction of the impact force, and perhaps a touch of luck. The medical tests have cleared him of any major injuries, allowing him to focus on his next races while appreciating the importance of bone strength and physical training.

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