Home » The signals on the tongue, alarm bells of disorders: from dehydration to gastritis

The signals on the tongue, alarm bells of disorders: from dehydration to gastritis

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The signals on the tongue, alarm bells of disorders: from dehydration to gastritis

The tongue is the mirror of health so it can be an alarm bell about conditions and pathologies that should not be underestimated.

Doctors are always watching the tongue because through his state of health it is possible to trace the physical conditions of the person.

The mouth in general is a real mirror on connected organs but also on other types of pathologists that may affect the person.

Language: what signals to notice

Language is a very important organ because it connects. That is, the ‘instrument’ in which the outside meets the inside. These are muscles with taste buds and villi that offer us taste but not only. Variations of some kind can set off alarm bells to read for understand what it is. The tongue of a healthy subject has smooth edges, it is moist, it must be able to stretch and lift without problems.

Signs to read on the tongue (tantasalute.it)

The simplest and most direct cues to watch out for are color and status. If there are alterations in shape, color and in any other feature, there is something not working. Tongue movement also needs to be correlated, so if you can’t move your tongue well there’s definitely a problem.

With a language too dry there may be dehydration, kidney or diabetes problems. If, on the other hand, it is very rough, there is probably inflammation in progress and vitamins are missing. With signs of paleness, however, it could indicate anemia. If it is white, it could instead be due to gastritis, ulcers or infectious diseases. When the language shows up dark then there is bacterial development taking place. If it’s greenish, there are problems with the gallbladder, spleen or liver. If it is smooth it means that there is liver disease but it is also indicative of a tumor.

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When the language is enlarged there is a protein problem, if instead this is compromised it could be a problem related to anxiety, if it looks like a geographical map it could be an allergic problem, if it burns it could be a psychic issue instead. The tongue rossa it is indicative of a hemorrhagic disease, yellow with jaundice, with patches of pretumor states, eroded instead indicates inflammation. If the language is swollen it could be hives, if it has white dots it could be linked to an immunosuppression factor.

Every coloring, variation, modification indicates something therefore it is always worth observing it and, if you notice anything strange, contact your doctor for assistance. These will know what it is and will give all the indications on analyzes and insights to determine whether or not there are pathological conditions.

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