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the symptoms, what it is and how to take it- breaking latest news

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the symptoms, what it is and how to take it- breaking latest news

In recent days, due to the withdrawal of some batches of Kinder chocolate eggs, there has been a return to talk of salmonellosis risk. What is it about? And what are the symptoms?

In the past few hours, Ferrero has withdrawn from the market some Kinder products from various European markets due to some cases of salmonellosis which occurred in Northern Europe. As written here, the cases reported and attributable to Kinder products – on which investigations are still ongoing – would be at least 63 on the British market and 21 in France. The Alba company replied that to date, no product analyzed on the markets affected by the recall has been contaminated with salmonella.

But what is salmonella? What are the symptoms of salmonellosis? And how can you get the disease?

Salmonella is one of the bacteria that, according to the World Health Organization, can most endanger human health. a bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family (typical for example the Escherichia coli species) which, together with Campylobacter, represents the main cause of human disease transmitted by contaminated food (meat, eggs and milk consumed raw or unpasteurized) and by water not potable.

The main reservoir of infection is the gastrointestinal tract of various animals, mainly poultry and pigs, which eliminate the bacterium with their feces: these can then contaminate food. That is why one of the most important vehicles for the spread of infection in humans are eggs, meat, raw milk and their derivatives. Vehicles of infection are also surfaces, tools and any food handled by infected people, with little attention to personal hygiene, explained here Dr. Laura Cordier, specialist in Infectious Diseases Operating Unit of Infectious Diseases, Sacco Hospital in Milan.

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What are the symptoms? Their severity can vary: the simpler ones do
manifest with fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, symptoms that appear between 6 and 72 hours after ingestion of contaminated food and generally resolve on their own in a few days. In these cases the doctor can recommend rehydrating solutions to compensate for lost water and salts, lactic ferments and prebiotics.

The most serious clinical forms (for example, bacteremia or infections affecting the lungs and meninges) occur mainly in frail subjects (the elderly, children and subjects with deficiencies in the immune system).

April 6, 2022 (change April 6, 2022 | 12:23)

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