Home » The widow’s hump – this is what the malformation of the back looks like

The widow’s hump – this is what the malformation of the back looks like

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The widow’s hump – this is what the malformation of the back looks like

Over time some people can develop this particular malformation called the Widow’s Hump. Here’s what it is

The hump it is a problem that can arise over the years together with aging and concerns the formation of an anomaly that occurs in the upper part of the spine, or more precisely in the thoracic area. The hump can appear especially in aging women, but not all are subject to this malformation. Furthermore, it can also affect men and/or in some cases even at a young age.

When this becomes particularly accentuated and curved, it takes the name of widow’s hump. It is often associated with poor posture, starting to manifest more commonly from the age of 60 onwards, and is actually a very frequent factor, but this is not the only cause.

The widow’s hump. What it is and how it looks

The widow’s hump it originally described the slouching of the backs of very old women, who had suffered compression fractures of the spine. Or, that they had a deformation of the spine. A hunchback is a spinal deformity that describes an excessive curvature of the back. It is very common that after the age of 60 the spine begins to collapse, also causing severe back pain due to the vertebrae starting to sag, risking limiting mobility.

How to prevent and prevent the hump from forming thanks to nutrition and movement (tantasalute.it)

The widow’s hump can form at cause of various conditions such as bone fragility caused by osteoporosis, calcium and vitamin D deficiency, immobility, etc. Among the most common reasons, however, loss of bone density ranks first. Very common condition, which can be prevented in time by strengthening the bones, or only by following a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D already in youth. If severe back pain and stiffness occur, it is also possible to do physiotherapy sessions and physical activity, in order to improve muscle strength and balance.

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Per avoid that this bone problem arises, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. While posture isn’t the main cause of widow’s hump, it can still affect back strain, because it can put pressure on spinal discs and muscles causing abnormal curvatures.

pay attention todiet and lifestyle habits, can make the difference and radically change the fate of your back. In this regard, it is good to know that it is not a condition that necessarily affects a certain age. If you should experience severe pain and aesthetic signs of a hunchback, it is advisable to start immediately either with physical activity or even just stretching to reactivate the muscles and not allow the bones to settle, together with a diet useful for strengthening bones. Before starting any type of journey, it is always good to talk to your doctor first to avoid injuries.

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