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The wife cornered him, at the base there was a feeling

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The wife cornered him, at the base there was a feeling

“And so the two boyfriends broke up, this is the truth they don’t tell you”, are the words of Fabrizio Corona who arrives to have his say on the media case of the moment. As no one will ever be able to tell you what happened in the studies of Wild Moss. No one but me… with lots of evidence. You are not ready”.

On the matter of the well-known quarrel between Fedez e louis salt here’s to intervene, as always punctual, too Fabrizio Corona. The former paparazzo, who already long before wanted to say something about him about the alleged separation in progress between the Ferragnezmade known his opinion on the media case of the moment, revealing that he was aware of salient unpublished details.

Fabrizio Corona is on Fedez’s side

And so the two boyfriends broke up, this is the truth they don’t tell you. As no one will ever be able to tell you what happened in the studies of Wild Moss. No one but me… with lots of evidence. You are not ready”, sibylline said Fabrizio Corona in his Telegram channel. “Luis Sal’s answer was perfect and wonderful from a creative and editing and communication point of view, however, I’m sorry for you, this it is the first time that for me Federico Lucia is right: when you create companies you respect the rules e Luis didn’t behave wellhe ruled.

The couple threw a couple tantrum. Whims and spites, because at the base of everything there is a feeling. Fedez calling his mother ‘defend me’. Luis who makes him look bad because he is selfish and self-centered, the other who throws it on the workers’ money. And what’s left in the end? A wasted podcast, wasted money and a destroyed relationship, but above all the end of a love affair.

According to Corona there would be a hand in Chiara Ferragni

Corona is still convinced that Chiara Ferragni’s hand is at the basis of the dispute. The wife gave an aut aut and the excuse was ‘we don’t agree’”. On the other hand, it is not the first time that the ex paparazzo is pursuing this thesis, already affirmed at the time of the Sanremo disagreements. “Chiara Ferragni put Fedez at a crossroads: either you or Luis Sal. The rapper has chosen his wife, which is why Luis Sal disappeared without warning in the new episode of Muschio Selvaggio”, he had declared some time before. The reason for so much hatred, according to Corona, it is not excluded that it could be the feeling that there would be between the two: “Rumors around say that there was an affair between the two.”

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