Home » These 3 high blood counts can be a sign of a tumor in the body

These 3 high blood counts can be a sign of a tumor in the body

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The presence of a neoplasm inside the organism can be detected through some precise clinical and instrumental tests. A first general data collection can be had through the blood chemistry tests which consist in the classic blood sampling. They detect whether there is infection, inflammation or even a tumor.

Which values ​​to check in the withdrawal

One of the very first routine tests a person can do when they experience symptoms or malaise is a blood count, better known as a complete blood count. Thanks to the blood sample it is possible to check red, white blood cells and platelets. These 3 high blood counts can be signs of a tumor in the body or other pathological forms. This is why we are talking about a first and initial investigation.

The blood count, as confirmed by a recent meta-analysis study, allows to obtain information on the cells in the blood and represents a good reference in cases of cancer. Thanks to these parameters it is possible to measure the physical characteristics, shape, size and content of some molecules and understand if something is wrong. This is why in the presence of specific symptoms, it is possible to carry out more in-depth investigations for a certain diagnosis concerning a neoplasm.

These 3 high blood counts can be a sign of a tumor in the body

We have said that with the blood count it is possible to control the values ​​affecting white, red blood cells and platelets. White blood cells, or leukocytes, represent the immune defense that the body puts in place in the presence of infections or diseases. Generally normal values ​​of leukocytes range between 4,000 and 10,000 per microliter. Over or under altered values ​​may require more in-depth investigation.

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Another fact not to be overlooked concerns red blood cells. They represent the highest number of cells in the blood with values ​​ranging between 4.5 and 5.8 million per cubic millimeter. They contain hemoglobin, essential for the transport of oxygen, in the measure of 12.5-16 grams per deciliter. A drastic and sudden reduction in red blood cells could be the sign of a possible cancer such as myeloma, myelodysplasia or lymphoma. Similarly, values ​​that exceed the threshold could be problems of a different nature.

Finally, platelets could also be a good signal to identify a malfunction in the body. Normal values ​​range from 150,000 to 400,000 units per mm3. In addition to these general measurements, there are also more specific tests such as those on tumor markers that analyze certain proteins in the blood.


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