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“They have nothing to do with school”

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“They have nothing to do with school”

Milano – “Do it yourself parties on the street they have nothing to do with school.” He says so Dominic Squillace, principal of the Alessandro Volta state scientific high school, adding that the fountain in the gardens has become a meeting point for students and non-students, not only for his institute.

“On the last day of school there were gatherings as early as 10, with smoke bombs and bottles, already three hours before my students leave”. And it is not the first time that attacks have taken place during a high school party: a precedent is that of 2 October 2021 in Largo Gavirate, when some boys were attacked in front of the Vittorio Veneto scientific high school. A few months later, the police arrested three minors for aggravated robberies, permanent facial scarring and aggravated injuries.

The party then degenerated

Hundreds of young people gathered in the gardens of via Benedetto Marcello to celebrate the end of school on Friday night. Music, drinks, chat in front of the Volta high school. But at one point “we saw groups of “infiltrators” who joined the crowd”. And the attacks started. “Artful provocations, just to unleash reactions and have the pretext of beating and robbing”. Two 18-year-old students ended up in the emergency room of the Polyclinic, one with a cut on the forehead and the other, according to witnesses, with a broken nose and trauma to the jaw. A third was treated on the spot and did not need to be transported to hospital. And in the crowd “a gold chain and mobile phones have disappeared”, says a father.

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Talk to one of the promoters

This is last night’s story. Beatings shortly before 2 am during the traditional spontaneous party organized by a group of students from the Alessandro Volta scientific high school around the monumental fountain in the gardens dedicated to Falcone and Borsellino, which attracted hundreds of kids from several high schools. Young people aged 15, 16, 17 and new adults. “A party we’ve been organizing for years – explains one of the promoters -: we bring speakers to listen to music, there’s a DJ, we bring drinks. A spontaneous event” that spreads through social media and chat.

The aggressions

The music, according to the testimonies, went on until 1.30. Then the situation degenerated and culminated in the attacks on the students by other young people, who had arrived from outside and were described as foreigners. The beatings attracted the attention of residents who looked out the windows and someone then took the ambulance back to the street, with the crowd around.

The infiltrators

“This party – says one of the organizers – has been taking place for years, it is a tradition. It is a spontaneous gathering but it is still manned: until we turned off the music, the police were monitoring the street.” The attacks followed later, “evidently the infiltration groups have been waiting for the right moment to act”. By the time a Volante arrived, shortly after 2, the crowd had already dispersed.

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