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Tips for bikini and swimsuit!

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Tips for bikini and swimsuit!

Finding the ideal swimwear is an experience that enriches your life. Now that you’ve found the perfect swimsuit or the coolest bikini, how well these garments retain their shape and color depends on how well they are cared for. Swimwear fabrics take a beating from pool chemicals, sunscreen, salt, sweat and sand, but with the right care and washing, you can ensure your swimwear stays beautiful all season long. That’s why it’s important that you know how to wash your swimwear properly!

Wash swimwear properly – tips for beautiful swimwear

What most of us dislike about summer is the wear and tear on our swimwear from long days in the heat and water. Synthetic swimsuit fabrics can cause other problems, such as pilling and lingering odors. If you follow these tips, your swimwear will stay in great shape, shine and look like new season after season!

Shower before and after swimming

After you get out of the water, be sure to give your swimwear a quick rinse in clean water to remove the chemicals, salt, and sand it’s been exposed to. The importance of a shower before a swim is often overlooked. In fact, rinsing before swimming can help protect the bikini. The polymers used in swimwear have been specially developed for their elasticity, ie their ability to stretch and then relax again after being compressed. Despite their durability, the polymers responsible for the fabric’s flexibility degrade over time when exposed to salt, mineral and chlorinated water. If you fill the fabric’s thread construction with fresh water first, the fabric will then absorb less chlorinated or saline water when swimming.

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Wash your bikini or swimsuit by hand

It’s a good idea to hand wash your swimwear instead of putting it in the washing machine. For tiny, lightweight garments like bikinis or bathing suits, hand washing is a quick and easy process. With a heavy-duty detergent and these simple steps, hand washing a swimsuit is a breeze.

To wash a swimsuit, use the recommended amount of detergent in cold water. Soak the swimsuit in the detergent solution and let it soak for 10 minutes while gently rinsing. Avoid stretching and straining the fibers by wringing or twisting the swimsuit after removing it from the detergent solution. To prevent the fabric from stretching and deforming, lay the swimsuit out to air dry.

Wash swimwear properly in the washing machine

The best way to clean a swimsuit is to hand wash, but most people use the washing machine. If you prefer to machine wash your swimsuit, here are some tips on how to keep your delicate swimwear in pristine condition.

Swimsuits should be washed in a mesh wash bag to prevent the fabric from being strained and knotted. Avoid washing swimsuits together with heavy or bulky items such as towels, pants, sweatshirts, etc., and wash them with other light or delicate items instead. We recommend washing your swimwear in cold water on the gentlest setting on your washing machine. Remember to switch to a mild detergent specifically designed for delicates. A swimsuit should never be washed with bleach.

How should you dry your bikini or swimsuit?

Swimsuits and bikinis are machine washable but should be air dried. The heat of the dryer can damage the swimsuit’s elastic and fade light or black swimsuits. If you need to tumble dry your swimsuits, use the no heat cycle.

Lay swimwear flat on a drying rack or dry, clean towel to air dry. To avoid stretching, you should dry swimsuits flat instead of hanging them.

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How to maintain the condition of your swimwear

If you want your swimwear to look new all summer long, follow these tips.

An overnight soak will ruin a bathing suit. The fibers can dissolve in the process. A swimsuit should not be dried in direct sunlight. This can lead to fading. Do not dry your swimwear on a metal clothesline. The original silhouette of the garment could be compromised and the metal rod could leave a rust stain that cannot be removed. When wearing a bikini, avoid sitting on hard surfaces. The fabric of your bathing suit can get caught on the pavement around the pool or the wood of the sun loungers. Always use a towel as a seat cushion.

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