Home » To calm coughs, sore throats and regain your voice, this all-natural decoction could be a real wonder

To calm coughs, sore throats and regain your voice, this all-natural decoction could be a real wonder

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To calm coughs, sore throats and regain your voice, this all-natural decoction could be a real wonder

We are almost in the middle of the change of season and many of us are already dealing with “crazy March”.

In fact, mild and almost spring sunny days alternate with others that are still extremely cold and windy.

This inevitably exposes us to the classic seasonal ailments.

Cough, sore throat and voice that goes away.

These are ailments that can really give us a hard time for several days, leaving us exhausted and tried.

Furthermore, at a time like this with a pandemic still underway, certain symptoms are certainly not frowned upon when we are in public.

So how to calm coughs, sore throats and related ailments and try to speed up healing?

Help would come from nature.

Some useful advice to prevent

As a famous commercial said “prevention is better than cure”, for this reason it is always good to have some extra care in these transition periods.

Certainly it could be cluttered, but carrying a scarf or jacket to keep up with sudden changes in temperature is essential.

Another advice, perhaps obvious but always useful, is to dress like an “onion”.

This will allow us to adjust clothing throughout the day, even if we are away from home.

Finally, let us always remember to adjust our diet and, if necessary, also resort to some supplements.

In this regard, let’s contact our doctor who can advise us on which vitamin or mineral is best to take to strengthen the immune system.

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Now let’s find out how we could lend a hand to our body if the “omelette” is now done.

To calm coughs, sore throats and regain your voice, this all-natural decoction could be a real wonder

We know that enjoying hot drinks and foods in these cases can give immediate relief.

For this a decoction can only help us.

But with what ingredients?

What we offer is prepared with ginger, honey and bay leaf.

These, in fact, would all have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and would be excellent for soothing discomfort of this kind.

To prepare it we need half a liter of water, 80 grams of grated ginger, 8 bay leaves and a tablespoon of honey.

Let’s boil everything for about 15 minutes, filter the leaves and enjoy it hot.

Attempting does not harm, before resorting to medicines of a completely different content. Obviously in the absence of intolerances to certain ingredients.

In any case, if the disturbance is particularly intense, we invite you to consult your family doctor in this case as well.


The extraordinary varieties of honey to sweeten hot herbal teas and soothe coughs and sore throats

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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