Home » Toys withdrawn from the market because they are dangerous for children: the alarm of the ISS

Toys withdrawn from the market because they are dangerous for children: the alarm of the ISS

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The Istituto Superiore di Sanità has conducted research on chemical analyses of many toys placed on the market during the last 5 years and one in five has been found to be out of standard.

In particular, the danger it concerns some categories of toys, not all, of which a good percentage does not respect the limits for contamination by mold and bacteria, thus jeopardizing the health of children.

In this regard, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità launches thealarm and many toys are withdrawn from the market: let’s see which are the most dangerous for the little ones.

The microbiological risk of toys

The toys in question considered in the study linked to microbiological risk, are those that contain liquids or games of nature rubbery, soft or gelatinous.

As is known to all parents, children are naturally inclined to carry toys frequently mouth, even if these are intended for a different use. The risk in bringing toys to the mouth is that of possible contamination by germs and bacteria, but also by retained substances not the norm in some types of toys that are on the market at the moment.

What the study of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità says

In general, for toys analyzed during the period from 2016 to 2020, 19% of all products analyzed (for a total of 256) it was not up to standard according to the European guidelines, due to the presence of mold and bacteria.

The study was carried out with the intent of seeking bacteria of human origin of the group of enterobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and microorganisms of environmental origin such as molds and yeasts. In this regard, the researchers of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità explain that the risk associated with microbiotic loads found is of no concern in an adult population, but instead can cause harm to children, as they have a developing immune system.

See also  So.EM Medical Srl/Ministry of Health

What are the most dangerous toys for children

The toys considered at risk by the Istituto Superiore della Sanità are all those toys that they contain liquids or gels, such as soap bubbles, soft gelatinous puppets and small animals in rubber.

Other categories of products considered at risk are the anti-stress balls, yo-yos, pearls in gel o tubes containing gel, paints that are used directly with the hands or, games of nature children’s cosmetics.

For all these categories of toys you need to be very careful. Despite the danger that you may encounter, there are guidelines to prevent any infections and avoid problems for children, especially the youngest ones under three years old.

How to prevent problems for children

Among the possible tips to avoid microbiological problems for children, there are a few guidelines which would be good to follow when buying or giving toys to the little ones.

For example, it is always good to take into account age limits shown on the packaging. In fact, most toys with liquid or gelatinous contents are not recommended under the age of three. In particular, children under the age of three should use games expressly and openly created for that age group.

Furthermore, it is important to teach children as early as possible not to carry toys in the mouth, as this is the best way to prevent infections from molds and bacteria. It is also necessary to check the condition of a toy before giving it to a child, in order to verify its integrity.

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