Home » Two kiwis a day for 4 days: because they are also good for your mood

Two kiwis a day for 4 days: because they are also good for your mood

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Two kiwis a day for 4 days: because they are also good for your mood

The fruit is rich in vitamin C, essential for our body: this improves our mood according to a New Zealand study

The secret of happiness is… kiwi. Strange but true: this fruit grown especially in New Zealand has beneficial effects not only for our body, being rich in vitamins, but also for our mind and our good mood. A small “diet” of just 4 days based on kiwis is enough to improve our well-being: this is demonstrated by research carried out in New Zealand published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

It was well known that kiwi fruit had positive effects on our mood. This awareness is linked to the fact that this fruit is rich in vitamin C, the deficiency of which can be associated with depression and a greater deterioration of cognitive abilities. For this reason, the kiwi is often also called the “fruit of smiles”, given the many studies that indicate it as one of the most important foods for integrating vitamin C. However, it had not yet been concretely defined how long it took for kiwis to have an effect.

This is precisely the question explored by New Zealand researchers at the University of Otago. According to studies carried out, it takes a few days for kiwi to give the desired results, stimulating good mood and increasing our vitality. More specifically, only four days are needed to see a tangible improvement. For eight weeks, 155 people with vitamin C deficiency were placed on a special diet. The participants were divided into three groups: the first was assigned a vitamin C supplement to take daily, the second a placebo; the third, however, two kiwis a day. In just four days, researchers observed increased vitality levels and improved mood in the third group.

“The kiwi is a fruit rich in nutrients and relatively rich in fibre, folic acid (vitamin B9) and potassium, all linked elements known to be beneficial for mental health,” explains Matteo Balestrieri, co-president of the Italian Society of NeuroPsicoPharmacology (Sinpf) and professor of psychiatry at the University of Udine. “The study promotes the adoption of a holistic approach to mental health, which also requires dietary interventions”. In short, if you want to change your life positively you can start… with kiwis.

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