Home » Unhealthy air in Lazio: increasingly impatient citizens. Interest is growing in Consulcesi collective action

Unhealthy air in Lazio: increasingly impatient citizens. Interest is growing in Consulcesi collective action

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Unhealthy air in Lazio: increasingly impatient citizens.  Interest is growing in Consulcesi collective action

Lazio Citizens Demand Action on Air Quality

With the start of the new year, 2024 has seen a significant increase in interest in collective action by Consulcesi, with a 14% surge in participation in the last month. President of Consulcesi, Massimo Tortorella, has stated that the citizens of Lazio are tired and asking for more concrete actions to address the air quality crisis.

The mobilization for clean air has become a pressing cry for citizens in the Lazio region, with the number of participants in Consulcesi’s collective action, known as Clean Air, increasing from around 20 thousand to over 23,300 in just the last 30 days. With rising pollution levels and increasing discomfort among residents, the demand for clean air solutions has never been more urgent.

President Tortorella commented on the overwhelming response to the collective action, attributing it to the continuous critical bulletins from monitoring stations, complicating traffic restrictions, and growing evidence of the detrimental impacts on physical and mental health due to poor air quality. According to him, citizens are expressing their worries and are seeking more effective measures to improve air quality.

The Sacco Valley, in particular, has been a focal point for air quality concerns, with the commission expressing concerns over the new exceedances of fine particles recorded in the valley. The situation in Frosinone also remains a concern, with the city ranking among those with insufficient air quality, despite showing improvement in the last decade. In Rome, the levels of nitrogen dioxide have reached alarming rates, far exceeding the EU thresholds.

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Lazio is one of the regions in Italy with the highest number of eligible citizens for the collective action Aria Pulita. Over five and a half million residents are eligible to participate in the legal initiative, which aims to hold the state accountable for violating air quality thresholds. Those interested in joining the collective action can find more information on the Aria Pulita website.

As 2024 kicks off, the plight for clean air in Lazio continues to gain momentum, with citizens demanding more effective measures to address the air quality crisis. The surge in participation in Consulcesi’s collective action comes as a clear sign of the growing concern and urgency in the region. The call for clean air continues to echo throughout Lazio, urging authorities to take more incisive actions for the well-being of its citizens.

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