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Unlocking the Secrets of a Long and Healthy Life through Diet

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Unlocking the Secrets of a Long and Healthy Life through Diet

Title: Eating Well and Making Healthy Choices: The Key to a Longer Life

Subtitle: Foods that Promote a Healthier Lifestyle and Extend Life Expectancy

If it is true that from birth our genetic code contains a part of the destiny of each of us, physical well-being and quality of life essentially depend on us and on the surrounding environment. Eating well and eating healthy, playing sports and living in a suitable habitat can really lengthen life, but it is above all life diet to make the difference with an extra decade if you avoid excess sugars, fats, and proteins which are among the first causes of aging, autoimmune diseases, and tumors.

The ā€œelixirā€ foods

The slogan could be ā€œitā€™s never too lateā€: even if you get back in line at an advanced age, the quality of everyday life can improve as well as your life expectancy. There is no sensational discovery but only a handbook with the foods recommended by the experts, first of all cereals and legumes present in the diet of centenarians, as well as vegetables and fruit: in this regard, those green leaf they are the most recommended because many studies have shown that fifty-year-olds who ate cooked vegetables every day were less likely to die (50% less) in the following four years than those who had never eaten them.

The detail

Some experts have stated al Courier that the cereals to be consumed should be whole so as to contain high levels of nutrients: the same goes for pasta but also for rice and bread. As for the meat, it is recommended to eat as little as possible, preferably white and without abusing the portions, trying not to exceed 50 grams once a week (on average). More than industrial products, then, those who have the possibility should choose the products of animals left free to graze, one of the ā€œsecretsā€ of centenarian consumption. We said gods legumes: all are good, the list is vast and varied. Thanks to the fibers and bacteria that are good for the intestines, they have more nutrients than any other food found on Earth. And the pesce? Itā€™s great, you can eat average portions of 85 grams if taken daily but itā€™s not the main food of centenarians. The recommended ones are definitely anchovies, sardines, and cod.

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What to limit

If it is true that the Mediterranean diet cannot ignore the latte and its derivatives, better if they are eaten skimmed and if you prefer fresh cheeses that have less fat content. Centenarians, however, obtain calcium directly from plants or consume local products from companies that raise animals locally. The egg they are a high protein source but should not be consumed excessively: the advice is not to exceed four a week. Morning and afternoon snacks are important but without excesses: walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts as well as peanuts are welcome by our body.

What needs to be eliminated

Among the foods that can be harmful in the long run, there is certainly ā€œaddedā€ sugar that centenarians practically always avoid. Be careful to know how to discern correctly: industrial sugar is obviously refined, that of honey is natural and does not create problems for our body. Sweeteners, sugary drinks, and foods that are packaged with sweeteners should also be avoided.

All the experts have been repeating it for years: you need to drink a lot of water to hydrate the body and not just when itā€™s hot or when weā€™re thirsty. Hydration is an ally of the skin, it fights urinary and pressure problems, water retention and also benefits the brain. ā€œGreen tea is also good for you: it has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer,ā€ the experts write. Chapter coffee: it can even reduce the chances of contracting Parkinsonā€™s and cardiovascular diseases by 20%. Finally, the advice is to limit yourself with food: no more binges, and you need to eat less, starting in the morning and finishing before 8 pm in order to better respect the bio-rhythm of the organism.

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