Home » Use medicines correctly HEALTH ADHOC

Use medicines correctly HEALTH ADHOC

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Use medicines correctly  HEALTH ADHOC

Berlin – Whether tablets, drops, ointment or juice – for a therapy to be successful, drugs must be used properly. That sounds easier than it is. According to estimates, about every second person does not take their permanently prescribed medication correctly. It is therefore helpful to know some basic rules. BPI expert and pharmacist Thomas Brückner explains what needs to be considered when using medicines.

The following always applies to all medicines: Read the instructions in the package leaflet carefully and, if in doubt, ask your doctor or local pharmacist. “They are the main contacts, for example when it comes to the exact dosage and correct use of the drug,” says Brückner. “Prescription medicines are only available with a doctor’s prescription anyway, you can buy non-prescription preparations for minor ailments after consultation in the pharmacy.”

Apply it correctly: The tips of the BPI expert

  • If an exact time of day for taking tablets is prescribed, you should comply with it. It helps to set an alarm clock or a mobile phone. Take the tablets in an upright position and swallow them with 100 milliliters of still water. Black tea, coffee, milk, juices and alcohol are not suitable. These drinks can render the medicine ineffective, and grapefruit juice can even increase side effects.
  • You may only divide or quarter a tablet if you can see a predetermined breaking point in the middle of the tablet. This ensures that half or a quarter of the active ingredients are also contained in the subset. This notch should not be confused with the so-called “jewelry groove”, which must not be broken open. Read the instructions in the leaflet carefully and, if in doubt, ask your pharmacy. If it is too difficult to divide the suitable pills with your fingers, you can buy a pill splitter at the pharmacy.
  • Many medicines, especially liquids or creams that are used on the eyes, are free of preservatives in the interests of the patients. If these sterile products are stored for months after opening the container and then used again, there is a potentially high risk of infection. In the meantime, germs from the air may have multiplied in these products. It is also important that the medicines are only used by one and the same person so that no germs are transmitted.
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You can find more information about self-medication here.

NOTE: The general advice given here does not constitute a basis for medical self-diagnosis or treatment. They cannot replace a visit to the doctor.

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