Home » Vaccination obligation, motion of the FNOMCeO National Council: “Return to ordinary risk management, leaving only the ethical assessments to the Orders”. Almost all doctors and dentists have fulfilled the vaccination obligation: less than 1% are suspended for this reason

Vaccination obligation, motion of the FNOMCeO National Council: “Return to ordinary risk management, leaving only the ethical assessments to the Orders”. Almost all doctors and dentists have fulfilled the vaccination obligation: less than 1% are suspended for this reason

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Vaccination obligation, motion of the FNOMCeO National Council: “Return to ordinary risk management, leaving only the ethical assessments to the Orders”.  Almost all doctors and dentists have fulfilled the vaccination obligation: less than 1% are suspended for this reason

A motion on the vaccination obligation for doctors and dentists, for “return to ordinary management of biological risk and safety of care, leaving the territorial orders to ” solo “The task of evaluating the behavior of colleagues from an ethical point of view”. It is the one approved unanimously by the National Council of FNOMCeO, the National Federation of Orders of Physicians and Dentists, underway in Rome.

The motion, which also notes how some recent ordinances and decisions of the administrative and ordinary judiciary have highlighted “elements of uncertainty“On the application of the legislation,”reaching, in some cases, interpretations contrary to all scientific evidence“And asking that,”pending a legislative review of the matter, the Ministry of Health urgently provides those operational indications, requested several times, indispensable for a uniform ordinistic activity”, It will be sent to the Ministers of Health and Justice and to the President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

In the introduction, the National Council thanks “the territorial Orders, the Presidents, the colleagues of the Governing Councils, the Territorial Dentistry Register Commissions and not least the administrative staff for the concrete results achieved as a result of the activities carried out, even if burdensome, in compliance with the Law, in order to protect citizens and ensure the safety of care in health facilities where doctors and dentists work“. He notes with satisfaction that almost all members have fulfilled their legal obligations: only 4432 – out of 468411, less than 1% – are currently suspended doctors and dentists for not having vaccinated against Covid. He remembers the 374 colleagues who died from Covid and expresses solidarity and closeness to their families, noting how the mortality of colleagues has essentially been eliminated thanks to the use of the vaccine.

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He therefore reiterates the importance of the vaccine against Covid and invites all colleagues to fully adhere to the principles and rules of the code of ethics and firmly condemns the attacks on territorial orders.

It also reaffirms the need to preserve the public function of the Orders, considers the autonomy and independence of the profession “a fundamental requirement that goes well with the principle of subsidiarity on the basis of which the Orders are called, in full autonomy, to govern the medical and dental profession in accordance with the constitutional, legislative and ethical rules “. Expresses satisfaction with the great participation of doctors and dentists in the meetings of the Orders, “A sign of sharing in the choices made and closeness to the executive councils as well as democratic respect for the opinions of all”.

The full text is attached.

Press and Information Office FNOMCeO
[email protected]

Author: FNOMCeO Press Office

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