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Vegans are not always health conscious

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Vegans are not always health conscious

Women and men who do not eat any animal products in their diet are often considered by the public to be particularly health-conscious. Researchers at the Center for Public Health at the Medical University of Vienna have now examined the dietary patterns and exercise behavior of vegans and have found a discrepancy between appearance and reality in many cases.

According to the study, vegans do sport more often than average, but the very widespread consumption of industrially processed foods in this group cannot be classified as “beneficial for health“.

As undisputed as the benefits of plant-based food for health are in science, the degree of processing of the food consumed must be taken into account in this area, according to the study.

For the scientific work, 516 people answered online questions about their eating habits. At the time, all participants had been vegan for at least three months and were on average 28 years old.


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