Home » Volumetric diet: goodbye to grams and calories. You eat a lot and lose pounds

Volumetric diet: goodbye to grams and calories. You eat a lot and lose pounds

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Volumetric diet: goodbye to grams and calories.  You eat a lot and lose pounds

The costume fitting is getting closer and closer and it worries both those who constantly, even during the long winter months, have dedicated themselves to their physical form and those who are becoming aware of the problem only now. The phenomenon is much more common than it is think, for this the emergence of lightning diets unhealthy is always common. The advice is always to contact a doctor who is able to evaluate every single situation.

Obviously, one cannot fail to get involved in the food trends of the moment that intrigue in a truly overwhelming way: among these also the Volumetric diet which has its own foundation. What is this diet and how it should be followed: pros and cons of a mood that says goodbye to calories but also to the weight of food, aspects that usually lead to abandoning a diet earlier than expected.

This diet was the doctor’s invention Barbara Rollsspecialized in nutrition and director of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior presso la Penn State University (USA). In short, the volumetric diet prevents a person from being hungry because it satisfies the sense of food and makes you feel full. For this i foods that are bulky and low in calories will make you lose more weight.

The nutritionist and biologist Lucia Bacciottini revealed in a recent interview issued to Fanpage what this innovative diet consists of: “The volumetric diet is based on the assumption that we have anatomical volumes, in particular of the mouth and stomach, and starting from this ‘measure’ it would be necessary to compose the volume of the meal. ” The expert also pointed out how important it is to evaluate the individual size of the mouth and stomach.


Volumetric diet, definition of portions

In the volumetric diet it is important to define the ability to eat, no reference is made to weight of food but not even calories. Given these aspects, it is appropriate to ask how the portions to eat at each meal are defined, the indicative terms to follow refer to bowls and plates:

“Larger volumes and portions must be dedicated to nutritional foods necessary for our energy needs, and in particular it comes to vegetables, preferably in season, eaten both raw and cooked “. Finally, we must take into account the flavors and the sense of satiety that should never be ignored or worse still underestimated.

In the volumetric diet, foods are classified into four categories according to their caloric density


Very low density:

includes non-starchy fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, courgettes, broccoli, cabbage, aubergines, fennel, peppers, celery, asparagus and many others …), skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt and all preparations related to soups, minestrone or broths.


Low density:

includes starchy fruit and vegetables (chestnuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and many others …), legumes, cereal-based products, pasta, rice, lean meats, fish, breakfast cereals.


Average density:

the group includes non-lean cuts of meat, cheeses, bread, sauces, but also pizza, fries, ice cream.


High density:

include crackers, prunes, salty snacks, candies, chocolate, cookies, nuts, butter, oil.

It is therefore necessary to focus on groups 1 and 2and try to reduce the portions of group 3 and limit those of group 4 to almost the minimum.

This diet promises weight loss of 1 kg per week. Like any low-calorie diet, it is advisable not to adopt do-it-yourself diets but to rely on a specialist in the sector.

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