Home » Warning, famous sweetener modifies DNA: disastrous effects on our body discovered

Warning, famous sweetener modifies DNA: disastrous effects on our body discovered

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Warning, famous sweetener modifies DNA: disastrous effects on our body discovered

According to the results of a recent study, a famous sweetener modifies DNA, and it’s all true; here’s what we need to watch out for.

Until a few years ago everyone thought that sweeteners were used to improve the taste of food and at the same time allow you to lose weight, as they are low in calories. today, however, numerous studies tell us that these products are not exactly healthy.

Beware of sweeteners, they can be carcinogenic

Sugar is one of those foods or condiments that we should use sparingly, for several reasons. Surely first of all for health, and secondly because sugar also causes problems in the oral cavity.

Even if we want to avoid, however, we often unknowingly take in sugars, since they are “hidden” in food, such as pasta or bread and above all industrial foods. One would therefore want to compensate by using artificial sweeteners, but according to new studies perhaps it is better to avoid. The damage we can face is really serious and disturbing.

A famous sweetener modifies DNA and is genotoxic, it is also used in Italy, pay attention to the brand

After knowing what happens to the body by taking sweeteners, perhaps we will be tempted to stop consuming them. One recent studyalso published in the scientific journal on Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Healthposes at least serious doubts about the safety of this kind of products.

Some experts have focused on analyzing a specific type of sweetener, the sucralosiowhich commercially presents the name “Splenda”. What has emerged from the studies is truly worrying.

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Beware of the types of sweeteners, some are dangerous – grantennistoscana.it

First of all the WHO itself recently stated that synthetic sweeteners don’t even help you lose weight, and therefore we could easily learn to manage the consumption of classic sugar to obtain more concrete results. In addition the surclarose-6-acetate it has been defined by researchers as genotoxic, potentially carcinogenic and very harmful to intestinal functions. The claims come after some in vitro tests carried out by scholars.

During the experiments, it was noted that the substance is capable of breaking the DNA of the cells that come into contact with it. Furthermore, some tests carried out on intestinal epithelial tissues have shown that the surclarosio it weakens them and causes a number of very serious related effects. Because a more permeable intestinal tissue is unable to expel waste substances with the feces, which then remain in the circulation.

To understand how dangerous the substance mentioned so far is, let’s say that just drink one coffee a day with the sweetener to take a quantity higher than that recommended by the European Food Safety Authority. So not even paying attention to the quantities can mitigate the potential damage of surclarose.

Surely further studies and insights will be neededbut it is probable that in the light of recent discoveries the diffusion of this type of product will be regulated in a different way.

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