Home » Warsaw to Pfizer, ‘renegotiate vaccine contracts’ – Healthcare

Warsaw to Pfizer, ‘renegotiate vaccine contracts’ – Healthcare

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Warsaw to Pfizer, ‘renegotiate vaccine contracts’ – Healthcare

“Although the epidemic situation has stabilized in EU countries, Pfizer plans to supply hundreds of millions of vaccines to Europe. This is completely unnecessary from a public health point of view because most of them will be destroyed due to the limited shelf life and low demand”. Thus the Polish Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, in a letter to Pfizer shareholders in which Warsaw returns to ask for the renegotiation of contracts on anti Covid-19 vaccines.
“Today – observes the minister – we live in a completely different reality than we did two years ago. Global companies like Pfizer must be aware of this and actively implement corporate social responsibility. This – he adds – will not be possible without a further agreement with Pfizer on the review of contracts for the supply of Covid-19 vaccines and the easing of the financial burden for the governments concerned”.

“The Polish government is in constant dialogue with Pfizer’s management on how we can remedy this situation” continues Niedzielski, but adds “Pfizer is not ready to show a satisfactory level of flexibility and present a realistic proposal that corresponds to a completely different in Europe”. “Instead of showing solidarity – we read – the company still wants to earn money from the funds allocated by EU member states for the protection of public health” and “limits itself to declaring its willingness to dialogue”. “I am sorry to say that the company, which we have all considered for a long time as part of the solution to the challenges of healthcare, is now becoming part of the problem”, concludes the minister, addressing a new appeal to society to “take responsibility for the towards EU citizens and Member States”, and to “act in good faith for a solution that is right for all”.

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