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What are the 4 foods to favor to prevent osteoarthritis?

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What are the 4 foods to favor to prevent osteoarthritis?

by Editorial Staff

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Although it is the rheumatism more common, thearthrosis it is not inevitable. On the contrary, in recent years, studies have shown that we can easily prevent or slow down the progression of osteoarthritis thanks to one anti-inflammatory diet poor in industrial products and foods of animal origin.

Fatty fish

Fish and seafood are the only foods that provide the essential omega 3s EPA and DHA, which have been shown to have a anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to eat fatty fish twice a week. Small studies conducted on volunteers affected by osteoarthritis have shown that fish oil consumed over several months reduces joint pain and stiffness.

Smaller fish, herring, mackerel and sardines are preferable, as they are less likely to contain pollutants than larger ones, such as salmon and tuna.

Which fruit and vegetables to choose to slow down osteoarthritis?

Natural cocktails of antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, copper, manganese, etc.) slow down the wear of the cartilage. Some polyphenols are anti-inflammatory: those from small red fruits, citrus fruits, apples and olives seem to alleviate arthrosis. Cabbage, green salads, spinach and beets provide vitamin K, essential for joint strength.

The recommended minimum is 400 g per day, knowing that 100 g corresponds to 1 small apple or orange, 1 medium tomato or 3 tablespoons of cooked vegetables.

Turmeric, ginger… herbs and spices can prevent osteoarthritis

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of curcuminderived from turmeric and gingerolothe active ingredient of ginger, on osteoarthritis. Carnosol, made from rosemary, also helps reduce cartilage inflammation.

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The doses consumed for studies sometimes exceed those used in cooking. But when we put them in every dish, diversifying them, we really have a preventive effect. Green tea polyphenols may also delay the development of osteoarthritis.

Fermented foods

Fermented foods contribute to a better balance of intestinal microbiota, the composition of which determines the level of inflammation in the body. The diet of people suffering from rheumatism is often unbalanced and rich in bacteria that release proinflammatory compounds. Researchers from Stanford University (USA) have shown that the daily consumption of 6 portions of fermented foods restores the diversity of the microbiota and reduces blood markers of inflammation.

Alternate yogurt, milk or fruit kefir, cottage cheese, raw cheeses, lacto-fermented vegetables and vegetable juices, olives, miso, kombucha… A Dutch study showed that the risk of knee osteoarthritis was reduced by 32% among major consumers. The use of non-skimmed dairy products is also very important to increase the percentage of anti-inflammatory bacteria in the microbiota: in addition to fruit and vegetables, you can eat wholemeal products (wholemeal bread, rye bread, cereal bread).

Avoid industrial products

The set of different studies conducted by researchers at the University of Melbourne (Australia) concludes that there is a 4% increase in the level of C-reactive protein, a blood marker of inflammation, for each additional 100 g serving of ultrafoods. processed (bread products, cereals, sauces, etc.). They may contain additives (some emulsifiers that are texturizing agents or intense sweeteners such as aspartame) that imbalance the microbiota. They often have a high glycemic index, excessively stimulating the production of insulin, the excess of which promotes inflammation.

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The ideal is to use these foods only as emergency meals. Also limit other pro-inflammatory foods: sweets, meats (maximum 500 g per week), cured meats (150 g) and grilled meats.

Slow down osteoarthritis: monitor weight and cholesterol

Excess pounds promote or worsen osteoarthritis, directly burdening the joints, and indirectly because fat cells produce proinflammatory cytokines. Recent studies show that excess cholesterol accelerates the breakdown of cartilage by increasing oxidation phenomena. In both cases it is better to adopt one high fiber diet. They improve the sense of satiety and help reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL).

Relieve joint pain: practice physical activity

Finally, contrary to popular belief, physical activity relieves joint pain. Practiced regularly it has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the renewal of cartilage cells and helps control weight. The minimum required is 30 minutes per day. If you’re not athletic, start with active walking. A physiotherapist or coach expert in healthy sports will be able to guide you in choosing the exercises suited to your physical condition. Source: Current wife.

Photos and DepositPhotos.

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