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What are the best draining foods? Never miss them at the table

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What are the best draining foods?  Never miss them at the table

There are several draining foods that ensure a loss of excess pounds and total well-being. Which ones can we use the most.

A woman eating vegetables (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

Draining foods are very useful for the body since they promote weight loss through the correct recirculation of the liquids taken. Many natural foods come with water and this is of great help to the body.

Ensuring constant hydration, not only with the intake of at least two liters of water a day to drink throughout the time when we are awake, but also thanks to the specifically designed draining food, is a guarantee of well-being.

In this way, in fact, we will lose weight steadily and even in a short time. Especially if we are following a healthy lifestyle, made up of correct nutrition and a little physical movement, even three or four times a week.

Another great advantage of draining foods is that they are very low in calories and fat. And at the same time they are endowed with high nutritional values, with an important content of vitamins, mineral salts, fibers and much more.

Draining foods, which are the best for weight loss

As it is easy to understand, the best draining foods that will help us lose weight and ensure 100% effective hydration are natural ones. So fruit and vegetables, vegetables and everything we could find in our garden or from fruit and vegetables.

A plate with healthy dishes
A plate with healthy dishes (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)
  • cucumbers: they are very rich in water, they are made up of 97% of it and contain the rest mineral salts and vitamins. There is not the slightest trace of fat. Cucumbers also have an undeniable detox effect. They are also perfect to be enjoyed at breakfast with low-fat yogurt, or as a side dish for a second course or as part of a first course.
  • lettuce: inside there is a large percentage of water, equal to 96% of its constitution. Also there are very few calories. Lettuce has a diuretic effect and flushes the liver and intestines, removing excess toxins.
  • fennel: also very useful in this sense, they also help in digestion thanks to their purifying effect.
  • tomatoes: they are considered very useful against tumors, according to some studies. They also eliminate toxins and are part of virtually every type of diet out there.
  • radishes: they refresh and have a particular taste. They represent an ideal natural snack, as well as an excellent component for salads. They possess antioxidants that can bring significant benefits to the skin, as well as the waistline.
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What are the other natural products to always have

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spinach: they are among the most effective types of vegetables and can be cooked in many ways. Inside they have lutein, folic acid, fiber and potassium. In addition to cooking them in the many existing traditional ways, we can also take them in the form of centrifuged.

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courgette flowers: they have fiber, vitamins A, C and E, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. And they are made of 95% water. Obviously they shouldn’t be eaten fried, although they are delicious so prepared.

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cauliflower: it is made of 92.1% water. It too contains vitamins and many other nutrients. To be eaten both cooked and raw.

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