Home » What are the most common mistakes to avoid to digest well in the evening and sleep in the best way, especially in spring

What are the most common mistakes to avoid to digest well in the evening and sleep in the best way, especially in spring

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What are the most common mistakes to avoid to digest well in the evening and sleep in the best way, especially in spring

We all know that good sleep is essential for our health. Resting well, whether it is a lot of hours or less, is crucial to face the day in the best possible way. Nutrition, physical activity, sleep. These three components must be taken care of, especially over the years. Maybe they won’t keep ailments away, but they will certainly allow us to deal with them better.

Head and body should always go hand in hand. Hence, good sleep is essential for both of you. They cannot be untied. He cannot rest his head well if his body does not and vice versa. Beyond the daily stress that affects our sleep, proper nutrition also plays its part. For this, you have to pay close attention to what you eat for dinner, but not only. The time you eat your meal and the activity you do from term until you go to bed are also important.

So let’s see some indications that could allow for better sleep. First, let’s start with the foods that should be avoided at dinner. It is not always possible, especially when, perhaps, you have dinner outside the home. However, with a little attention, we could improve our nutrition to ensure a more relaxed sleep.

To avoid are mainly those heavy dishes to digest. Fried foods, first of all, rich in fats which certainly do not favor digestion. Spicy foods follow immediately. These could also cause heartburn, as well as stimulate thirst.

Red meat should also not be consumed. In fact, it would slow down digestion, because it is rather elaborate to be disposed of. Consequently, if we really want to eat meat, it is better to opt for the white one.

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What are the most common mistakes to avoid to digest well in the evening and sleep in the best way, especially in spring

If possible, also cheeses, whether fresh or aged, in addition to mozzarella, should be avoided. Dairy products contain a lot of tyramine, an amino acid which, by promoting the production of adrenaline, among other things, stimulates our nervous system, becoming annoying for our sleep.

And if we wanted to close the dinner with a dessert, not really to be recommended in itself, it would be better to avoid doing it with a chocolate-based one. In fact, cocoa contains some exciting substances which, combined with sugars, would affect our rest. Especially for those suffering from insomnia they should stop consuming it at least 4 or 5 hours before going to sleep.

Can we drink a digestive? Absolutely not, on the contrary. Being alcoholic drinks, these increase the dose of sugar in the blood, favoring a glycemic growth that can cause unwelcome nocturnal awakenings.

This is as far as food is concerned. After that, it will be essential to have dinner at least three hours before going to bed. So, avoid lying on the sofa immediately after the meal is over. In fact, by doing so, digestion would be immediately slowed down. Rather, a walk, even a short one, of about ten minutes is better, which would improve the digestive process.

Finally, it would be best to avoid showering immediately after eating. This is because, getting wet, our body would increase in temperature calling the body to pump more blood. By doing so, digestion will slow down significantly. Consequently, it is recommended to shower before dinner.

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Here, then, are the most common mistakes to avoid in order to have a good evening digestion and, consequently, a more relaxed sleep.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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