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What diseases can cockroaches transmit to humans

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What diseases can cockroaches transmit to humans

Cockroaches can be very annoying and can also transmit very important diseases.

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The Beatles they are among the most dangerous parasites for people’s health, if they are present in the kitchen they can contaminate appliances such as dishwashers and stoves, but also and above all food. Through their faeces, saliva and moult cockroaches can cause allergic reactions, eczema and asthma in humans.

Furthermore they cause fear in people. Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to diseases caused by these cockroaches. There are several diseases that can be contracted, from tuberculosis, typhoid, food poisoning, salmonella, dysentery, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, tapeworm and allergies.

The cockroaches are also responsible for financial damages due to feces and skin shedding, large amounts of food and supplies are destroyed from restaurants and homes. Once infected, food must be thrown away.

The risks to companies due to cockroaches

Cockroaches carry disease
Cockroach-photo pixabay horizonenergia.it

The Beatles they indicate dirt and poor hygiene, they are exposed to many organisms harmful to our health, for companies their presence certainly has a very negative impact on the health and confidence of staff. Anyone working in the food industry may be in breach of food safety laws.

These living beings can spread various diseases, however, unlike mosquitoes, they are not direct vectors of diseases. In fact, the transmission occurs indirectly from consumption or contact with objects that have been contaminated by cockroaches and also through bites.

Second l’OMS cockroaches are usually not the most important cause of disease, but like flies they play a complementary role in the spread of some diseases. In addition to salmonella, typhoid fever, cholera, gastroenteritis, dysentery, and many others.

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The cockroaches are reservoirs of organisms that cause disease but are not vectors. Cockroaches spread disease through vomiting, direct contact, and excrement. When a cockroach feeds on a piece of raw chicken or animal feces, the organism enters and hangs around in its digestive system. The pathogen will then be excreted in the cockroach’s droppings and contaminate surfaces and foods.

The cockroach saliva causes the spread of a number of diseases, such as excrement, saliva can harbor pathogens accumulated during eating on contaminated objects. Cockroaches are found in sewers, cesspools, drains, and trash cans where they come into contact with certain organisms such as bacteria and viruses that attach themselves to their bodies.

So the transmission it can occur by eating contaminated food, inhaling contaminated air and touching contaminated objects. The best way to prevent this is by keeping cockroaches out of your home by keeping it clean and hygienic.

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