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What happens to people who eat walnuts to lower cholesterol and blood sugar? Incredible

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With 50 grams of walnuts per day you have a drop in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. With 15 grams, however, a day keeps blood sugar at bay.

What to eat to lower blood sugar and cholesterol?

Fruit is great when trying to lower blood sugar and cholesterol. Nutrients like fiber, potassium, and antioxidants may be responsible for some of its benefits. Since fruit can be high in carbohydrates, it is important to control portion sizes. A fresh fruit salad for dessert may work instead of a sugary dessert. Instead of ice cream, a frozen banana puree, with cinnamon or cocoa is fine. Walnuts are fine instead of chips.

What not to eat with cholesterol and blood sugar?

To manage these two pathologies, it is necessary to pay attention to the quantity of carbohydrates but also to the saturated fats of the diet. These contribute to high levels of LDL, as well as the trans fats found in fried foods and baked goods. Those who have cholesterol and blood sugar therefore must be very careful not to eat fried skates. Fried potatoes should also be avoided by those with hyperglycemia or diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia. Those in bags, due to the excess sodium, must also be eliminated from the diet for hypertension.

What are the benefits of walnuts?

Walnuts are good for the brain. They are valuable for heart health. They reduce the risk of diabetes. They prevent cardiovascular diseases. They reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. They prevent hypertension and help lose weight. Walnuts are an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, vitamin E, B1, B2, folic acid and fiber. They bring many antioxidants that are able to keep free radicals under control. The consumption of walnuts has been shown to reduce the vulnerability to stress that occurs during aging. Nuts contain melatonin, so they are also great for those who want to sleep well all night.

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What do walnuts contain?

They are very caloric. They provide about 610 kcal. You have to be very careful to consume a not excessive dose. Nuts induce satiety because they are rich in fiber and therefore can be a panacea for those who need to lose weight or for those who are already on a healthy and balanced diet. Here’s what walnuts contain:

  • Water 5%.
  • Protein 15%
  • Saturated 6%
  • Monoinsaturi 9%
  • Polyunsaturated 48%
  • Carbohydrates 14%
  • Sugar 3%

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