Home Ā» What happens to those who drink chamomile tea with diabetes? Here is the truth

What happens to those who drink chamomile tea with diabetes? Here is the truth

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Blood sugar levels should keep within a certain range as otherwise they can cause important and dangerous diseases such as diabetes. In the event that the glycemic index exceeds certain levels it happens that our body is unable to produce the right amount of insulin and therefore to maintain one’s health it is necessary to keep blood sugar levels under control and it would be better to do it through a healthy diet. and, if necessary, taking the right medications. There are also natural remedies to lower blood sugar, among these the tea based on chamomile with the addition of a pinch of cinnamon is really useful and effective.

How does chamomile work against blood sugar?

The therapeutic properties of chamomile and cinnamon can be used to meet the needs of people suffering from diabetes because their combination is able to accelerate the metabolism of glucose, transforming it into energy.

This activates enzymes that stimulate cells that respond to the effect of insulin.

Furthermore, chamomile contains an important antioxidant substance which is quercetin which delays the absorption of glucose thereby regulating blood sugar levels.

What does medicine say about the effects of chamomile on the blood?

Drinking chamomile and cinnamon showed a significant reduction in blood sugar.

Preparing chamomile and cinnamon tea to reduce blood sugar levels is really simple as you just have to infuse the chamomile in a cup of hot water and then add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to be mixed and dissolved. Consuming this drink is a panacea for health but also for the palate since its delicate and spicy taste is really special and very good.

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Obviously, those suffering from an important pathology such as diabetes must rely on a drug therapy prescribed by the specialist doctor, but in any case, they can benefit from the effects of this herbal tea.

We said that chamomile manages to lower blood sugar and its effect is enhanced thanks to the action of cinnamon as this spice, in fact, helps fight diabetes by reducing the amount of sugar in the blood.

Not surprisingly, a recent study shows that diabetic people who take one gram of cinnamon a day, every day and for two months, have a decrease in blood sugar levels but also a reduction in cholesterol levels.

The only advice we feel we can give is not to abuse cinnamon because if consumed in excessive doses it can be toxic.

Chamomile and cinnamon infusion

To enjoy the benefits of these two natural remedies, you can prepare an infusion by putting the tip of a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of water. Once brought to a boil, a sachet of chamomile (preferably organic) is inserted and left to rest for five minutes. Just drink a cup of this infusion a day, preferably in the morning or after meals, without adding sugars to get the benefits.

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