Home » What signals does the body send, especially in summer, when you drink little water: why intervene immediately

What signals does the body send, especially in summer, when you drink little water: why intervene immediately

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What signals does the body send, especially in summer, when you drink little water: why intervene immediately

Drinking water is especially important in the summer. Here’s what happens to the body when you drink little and why intervene.

Drinking water is essential and it’s good for us. To understand it, just think that 75% of our muscle mass is made up of water.

Keeping yourself hydrated is very important and has a number of benefits. In fact, not only does proper hydration regulate body temperature and the production of hormones, improve blood density and promote the elimination of toxins, but it regulates digestion, lubricates the joints, compacts the skin and supports the protection of the spinal cord , brain and eyes.

In short, water is an “elixir” of long life, one might say. Yet we often forget to do this simple action, drink it! Too bad that even in summer, when it’s even more important, we forget it. The body, however, just like a car that has something wrong, it sends us signals that must make us understand that we need to start drinking water.

What are the signals that the body sends in the summer to warn us that we are drinking little water?

These are real signs of dehydration, not to be underestimated and ignored. Indeed, as soon as they arise, we must intervene immediately to solve the problem which, fortunately, is easily solvable.

What you risk if you drink too little water (tantasalute.it)

Here’s how to tell if you’re drinking too little and suffer from dehydration:

dark urine: urine color is an indicator of health. When it is dark and has a strong smell, there is a higher concentration of ureasticity: to eliminate faeces it is very important to be hydrated; on the contrary, if there is dehydration, all the peristaltic movements necessary to eliminate the scars will not be able to take place cramps: without water normal muscle contractions cannot be carried out and therefore these annoying “stings” will occur nervousness and irritability: the blood is less fluid , therefore oxygen and important nutrients will be delayed in reaching the brain, compromising cognitive abilities headaches: dehydration causes an alteration in the ability to eliminate toxins. Therefore, it is precisely when you drink little that you could start to suffer more often from migraine bad breath: less water means less saliva and consequently an unpleasant breath odor due to the multiplication of bacteria dry skin: it could appear dehydrated to the eye and to the touch, therefore dull and opaque. This is always because it is difficult to eliminate toxins and skin aging accelerates.

For this reason, according to nutritionist Cláudia Luz, it is important to divide your water intake throughout the day, taking it with you in bottles and never forgetting this fundamental routine. As a general rule, in fact, it is always recommended to drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day. And if you too often forget to do it, do it by setting periodic alarm clocks on your smartphone or by downloading apps that remind you to drink.

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