Home » Pd, Schlein in Ventotene brings together the Secretariat and pays homage to Spinelli

Pd, Schlein in Ventotene brings together the Secretariat and pays homage to Spinelli

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Pd, Schlein in Ventotene brings together the Secretariat and pays homage to Spinelli

Pd, Schlein in Ventotene: the Secretariat meets on the island of the pro-European Manifesto

“We are here because we want a Europe of solidarity, the one that the Ventotene Manifesto recounted and let’s face it, today we still don’t have the Europe of Ventotene but the Democratic Party wants to continue working in this direction, because it is the only one that can promise a better future for the new generations”.n Europe “more political, the opposite of what Giorgia Meloni wants”.

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Elly Schlein thus declines the meaning of the day that leads the dem Secretariat to meet on the island of the pro-European Manifesto and he exhorts, speaking to journalists, not to “abandon ourselves to the rhetoric of the ‘Erasmus generation’, as long as there are people of my generation and of subsequent ones who feel excluded and distant, marginalized from that dream”.

The secretary of the Pd paid homage to the tomb of Altiero Spinelli, one of the founding fathers of post-war Europe, but also to Ursula Hirschmann, Eugenio Colorni, Ada and Ernesto Rossi, Luciano Bolis, that “first group of federalists who were the first to imagine that dream of the United States of Europe which we still concretely inspire our commitment to in Italy every day and in Europe”.

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The secretariat of the Pd met in Ventotene

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