Home » When fitness becomes an obsession: the alarm is worrying

When fitness becomes an obsession: the alarm is worrying

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When fitness becomes an obsession: the alarm is worrying

The increasing obsession with fitness and over-exercising is a concerning trend that has been on the rise in recent years. More and more people are pushing their bodies to the limit, training excessively and neglecting its negative consequences. What was once a healthy passion for physical activity has transformed into a harmful obsession for many individuals.

The detrimental effects of overdoing physical activity are both physical and mental. Excessive training can lead to physical symptoms such as swelling, tiredness, irritability, and an increase in cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Mentally, an obsession with sport can result in never being satisfied with one’s body, leading to body dysmorphia and a constant desire to shape it further without accepting oneself as they are.

The shift in societal beauty standards towards fitter physiques and the rise of fitness influencers on social media have contributed to the normalization of gym obsession. While this has helped move away from the harmful idea of thinness at all costs, it has also given rise to new disorders related to fitness obsession, such as vigorous training and an obsession with muscle tone and clean eating.

The consequences of this widespread obsession with fitness are alarming. The symptoms of sports addiction, such as the need to train hard every day, feeling guilty for not going to the gym, and isolating oneself from others, can lead to injuries, premature osteoporosis, and even a nervous breakdown.

In conclusion, while physical activity is undeniably beneficial, the excessive obsession with fitness can be harmful. It is vital to strike a balance and not push the body to its limits. It’s important to be mindful of the signs of obsession and to prioritize both physical and mental well-being. Finding a healthy balance and enjoying exercise in moderation is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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