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when needed for gyms, swimming pools and skis

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At the moment in Italy there are only white and yellow areas and the green pass is not always required to play sports. Let’s see case by case

While the number of infections continues to rise at the moment in Italy the situation is very different from a year ago, in fact, there are neither orange nor red areas, but only white and yellow. Until now, this meant that in most regions it was still possible to be outdoors without a mask, unless otherwise indicated by local administrators. In fact, for example, in the historic centers, many mayors had already given the order to continue wearing the mask even outside. After today’s control room, the Cabinet approved new rules including the one that provides for the extension of the use of the mask also outdoors throughout Italy. At the Stadium e for all sporting events, spectators must wear the FFP2 type mask as is expected for indoor venues (cinemas, theaters, etc.). There is a reduction in the prices of these masks in order to allow everyone to buy them. In addition, in the sports halls, as well as in other indoor places, it will not be possible to consume food and drinks.

In the white area there are: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta. In yellow zone, on the other hand, we find Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Marche, Veneto and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

The other substantial difference that you need to know to understand how to move these days is that relating to the green pass. In fact now there is distinction between the basic green pass and the reinforced green pass, also called the super green pass. The green pass base it is what is released to those who are not vaccinated or have had Covid, but have undergone a swab and have obtained negative results. The basic green pass lasts:

  • 72 hours if the negative result was obtained with molecular buffer;
  • 48 hours if negative was obtained with rapid swab.

The reinforced green pass, on the other hand, it is what the vaccinated (at least two doses) and those recovered from Covid are in possession of and, starting from 1 February, it will last no longer nine, but six months, based on the new provisions approved by the Council of Ministers after today’s control room.

It should also be remembered that for the children under 12 years of age no green pass is required. Now that we have clarified the difference between the two types of green passes, let’s try to understand what it takes to play sports.

Gyms and swimming pools: which green pass you need –

The government has prepared a table of activities allowed without / with “basic” / “reinforced” green pass, however this table is destined to change from December 30th, precisely on the basis of the new provisions approved today. At the moment from the indications currently in force it emerges that it is outdoor sports, even in picnic areas and public parks, it is always allowed to everyone, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no green pass is required. Also for the rehabilitation activities e therapeutic included in the essential levels of assistance (LEA) no green pass is required in any area, for the latter the rules will not change from December 30th.

In the gyms, swimming pools and outdoor swimming centers sports can also be practiced without a green pass both in the white and in the yellow areas, while in the orange area it is possible only and exclusively if in possession of a reinforced green pass.

In the indoor gyms, swimming pools and swimming centers sports can be practiced in the white and yellow zone with the basic or reinforced green pass, while in the orange zone it is possible only with the reinforced green pass. But attention because the rules are changing and from December 30th everywhere, therefore even in the white area, to access gyms and swimming pools you will need the reinforced green pass.

Access to the changing rooms: who is allowed –

Until December 30 in the area white and yellow to access the changing rooms you need the green pass, but it can also be just the basic one. Instead in orange zone only those vaccinated and therefore in possession of the reinforced green pass can access the changing rooms.

Team sports –

To practice team sports in sports center and outdoor sports clubs no green pass is required in the white zone, the yellow zone or the orange zone. However, if these sports are practiced indoors, you must have the green pass, at least the basic one in the white and yellow area, necessarily the reinforced one in the orange area.

Contact sports –

If you do not have a green pass, you cannot play contact sports indoors in any type of area. For the white and yellow areas, the basic green pass is enough for now, while for the orange ones you need the reinforced green pass. From the 30th, the reinforced green pass will probably be needed everywhere. Contact sports outdoors they can also be practiced without the green pass in the white and yellow zone, with the green pass strengthened in the orange zone.

Ski lifts and green pass: the rules –

In ski lifts and ski areas you can buy two types of ski passes:

1) ski pass which also allows non-exclusive access to cable cars, gondola lifts and chairlifts if used with closing of the windscreen domes;

2) ski pass for the exclusive use of ski lifts other than cable cars, gondola lifts and chair lifts if used with closing of the windscreen domes.

The purchase of the first type ski pass in the white and yellow zone it is only allowed to those in possession of a green pass, at least the basic one. In orange zone only those who have the reinforced green pass and therefore they are vaccinated. The second type of ski pass they can all have it in the white or yellow zone, even without a green pass, while in the orange zone you need the reinforced green pass, exactly as for the first type of ski pass. Even in this case, however, there are news in sight from the end of this December.

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