Home » When to drink coffee to lower cholesterol and blood sugar? Here is the incredible answer

When to drink coffee to lower cholesterol and blood sugar? Here is the incredible answer

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Some sites propose drinking coffee every day to lower cholesterol and blood sugar. In reality, the very few fats it contains do not affect this substance. As for blood sugar, according to a Danish research, taking it in moderation would increase insulin and consequently decrease the concentration of glucose, also reducing the problems of developing the disease.

When to drink coffee to lower cholesterol?

According to cardiologists it doesn’t matter when you drink to lower it. It is necessary to take it filtered because it contains 30 times less fat than it is not. The study was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Consuming it filtered is safer and is at a 15% reduction in the risk of death from all causes. It is also associated with a 12% decrease in the risk of cardiovascular death in men and a 20% decrease in women. The lowest mortality is observed among consumers of 1 to 4 filter cups per day. Failure to observe this precaution increases the chances of death only in men aged 60 and over, due to the high cardiovascular mortality.

When to take coffee to lower blood sugar?

It should be drunk every day even if there are not many scientific confirmations about it. It appears that two of the organic compounds in coffee, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, inhibit the transformation of amylin into a toxic form. Amylin is a hormone produced by the pancreas at the same time as insulin. This inhibition would be sufficient, according to the scientists, to explain the lower risk of triggering type 2 diabetes. From all this, however, it is not possible to know for sure when to drink it to decrease the concentration of sugars.

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Can coffee be taken with high cholesterol?

You have to be very careful. For a group of British researchers, blood cholesterol levels are on average higher in coffee drinkers than in non-drinkers, with a 0.14 (mmol / l) increase in bad LDL. The culprits are most likely substances called diterpenes, which are found in coffee. They remain attached to the filter, which is why specialists recommend filtered coffee in case of high cholesterol.

Can you drink coffee with high blood sugar?

Caffeine raises blood glucose levels by an average of 8%. For those with type 2 diabetes, coffee may have unwanted effects. This is why we must be very careful to drink it in the presence of this high pathology. On the other hand, it offers a number of benefits. Here they are:

  • Protects the liver.
  • Fights cellulite.
  • Counteracts the effects of alcohol.
  • It stimulates the production of dopamine.
  • Improve brain capacity.
  • Improve your memory.
  • Helps to lose weight.
  • Promotes intestinal transit.
  • Protects the eyes.
  • Suppresses the appetite.

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