Home » Winner of the Top Doctor Awards as an internal doctor, to prof. Vincenzo Palmieri an acknowledgment from the Municipality of Bari

Winner of the Top Doctor Awards as an internal doctor, to prof. Vincenzo Palmieri an acknowledgment from the Municipality of Bari

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Winner of the Top Doctor Awards as an internal doctor, to prof.  Vincenzo Palmieri an acknowledgment from the Municipality of Bari

He was the winner, as the best Italian internist included in the Top Doctors Awards 2021 online platform, of the medical excellence award that is awarded to the most appreciated specialists at national level, identified through the references and merits reported by the entire category of doctors .

This morning, at the Palazzo di Città, prof. Vincenzo Ostilio Palmieri also received an award from the Municipality of Bari. The president of the National Order of Doctors and provincial of Bari Filippo Anelli also participated in the award ceremony, proposed by the president of the council commission for Culture Giuseppe Cascella.

The award, reads the motivation, “expresses the feelings of gratitude of an entire community for the work and commitment lavished by the Bari professional”. Vincenzo Ostilio Palmieri, associate professor of Internal Medicine since 2004, currently holds the position of medical director of the University Internal Medicine UO at the Bari Polyclinic. He has been involved in the fight against Covid in recent years and is still at the forefront in quality. as head of the Covid Intensive Brief Observation Unit at the Polyclinic.

“The meaning of this small recognition – explained the mayor Antonio Decaro – lies in wanting to honor the many people who, in this city, commit themselves every day with dedication and by carrying out their business, they decisively help the development of our community. It happens that there are people who, with their work, leave a trace and mark a virtuous path that can inspire other people. There are also people who, in the same way, bear the name of Bari on the national and international scene, and who in doing so make us proud to belong to this community. Professor Palmieri is one of them, a doctor who is carrying out an extraordinary activity on a very treacherous terrain which is that of the fight against Covid: the people of Bari can be proud of this fellow citizen of ours who won a very prestigious award last year , awarded to the most respected specialists at national level “.

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“For some time the municipal administration – explained Giuseppe Cascella – has given recognition to those figures who, in the medical, artistic and scientific fields, have given prestige to the city. Therefore, today we reward Professor Palmieri, a great expert in internal medicine, whose passion, dedication and great experience in the use of electro-medical diagnostic imaging equipment, which have made him a point of reference for the evaluation and treatment of liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Among other things, Dr. Palmieri, in the course of his research, has contributed to enhancing the nutritional and health value of the products of our land “.

“The recognition to Professor Palmieri – said Filippo Anelli – demonstrates, once again, the international validity of the Bari medical school: the teachings received in the medical clinic of the Bari university, on the other hand, have always been a point of reference for our growth as professionals. Today, the award given to Professor Palmieri, an academic beloved by his students and available to colleagues and patients, fills us with pride and demonstrates how our University is at the highest levels both in terms of teaching and in the field of assistance. I have news that, in this very difficult moment for the medical profession exhausted by the epidemic, thanks to the NRP, more resources will be allocated to research ”.

“I am really proud to have received this recognition today from the municipal administration – said Vincenzo Ostilio Palmieri -. I carried out my thirty years of activity entirely here in Bari, receiving great satisfaction. On this occasion I would like to underline the indispensable role played in all this time by my collaborators, some young people and others more experienced, who have decisively supported me in this long battle against Covid 19. This award, therefore, must also be extended to them. In the future, I will continue on this path, inspired by the principles of medical ethics, and always keeping in mind the fundamental value of the fairness of the national health service towards patients “.

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