Home » Xbox Game Pass Spring Offers Launch MRT-themed Cars Scan the Code to Draw Gifts | Popular Consumption | Life

Xbox Game Pass Spring Offers Launch MRT-themed Cars Scan the Code to Draw Gifts | Popular Consumption | Life

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Xbox Game Pass Spring Offers Launch MRT-themed Cars Scan the Code to Draw Gifts | Popular Consumption | Life

I don’t want to run to crowded places when I’m at leisure, it’s safest to play games at home, Microsoft TaiwanXboxA number of spring promotions have been offered to let players play to their fullest.

Seeing that the PlayStation Plus subscription service is on the rise, Game Pass is also actively attracting existing players, launching a new PC Game Pass discount, as long as you have logged in to your Microsoft account and played Xbox games “Halo: Infinite”, “Hall of Infinite” and “Game Pass” on your computer before the end of February. For Forza Motorsport: Horizon 5 or Empire of Age 4, Xbox will offer new members a free 3-month PC Game Pass trial, allowing PC players to play hundreds of titles. From now on, you can go to the official Xbox website to confirm your eligibility and log in to redeem. If players first register for Game Pass membership through the official website and then redeem the serial number, they can enjoy a discount of 30 yuan for the first month of the new membership, which means that they can play hundreds of PC games for 4 months for only 30 yuan.

andMRTThe family should also be able to see a variety of themes jointly created by Taiwan’s Microsoft, momo shopping network and Intel on the Taipei MRT Bannan Line recently.carfrom now until April 17, just scan the QR Code on the carriage to join MicrosoftLINEOfficial account, click to get exclusive quotes, you have a chance to win the event-limited gifts. If you don’t have a chance to encounter a train, you can directly join the Microsoft LINE official account to participate in the golden sentence voting event.

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In addition, all e-sports laptops equipped with the new Windows 11 operating system are pre-loaded with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for 1 month free service, so that consumers who newly purchase laptops can experience the powerful charm of Game Pass game subscription system. In order to encourage users to experience the use of Game Pass to play games, Xbox also offers a lucky draw from now until April 30. As long as you purchase and activate the Game Pass service during the event, and log in with Microsoft Taiwan’s official LINE account, you will have a chance. Receive a number of beautiful gifts.

Who says girls aren’t related to video games? Xbox and nail salon brand OPI jointly launched the “Xbox Series” nail polishes. The full range of 12 colors are inspired by the rich colors of the Xbox game vision, and the names are inspired by well-known games and popular phrases from Xbox Game Pass. The imagination of players and armor lovers for colorful colors.

Xbox will offer a free 3-month PC Game Pass trial to new members who have played the franchise’s major titles.Figure / provided by Microsoft Taiwan
Xbox and OPI jointly launched the Xbox series of nail polishes. The full series of 12 colors are inspired by the rich colors of the Xbox game vision.Figure / provided by Microsoft Taiwan
Xbox and OPI jointly launched the Xbox series of nail polishes. The full series of 12 colors are inspired by the rich colors of the Xbox game vision.Figure / provided by Microsoft Taiwan

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