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Xbox will announce technical details ahead of release

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Xbox will announce technical details ahead of release


In the last few days, between the anticipation of Bethesda on the classification of Starfield and the numerous problems relating to the latest production by Arkane Austin, the user of the world Xbox has raised some doubts and perplexities about the future of crusading green IPs, including the highly anticipated sci-fi RPG created by the guys from Bethesda.

Despite the reassurances to fans from Phil Spencer on the impossibility that Starfield could have a problematic launch like Redfall, the gaming division of the Redmond house has declared that all technical information about Starfield on Xbox they will come communicate well in advance. The flop of Redfall, the very recent production of Xbox Studios, was such as to require an important study on the pre-launch communication of IP ventures.

We can therefore expect lots of information about Starfield before its actual launch scheduled for September 6 on Xbox Series X / S and PC, but when exactly? It is presumable and logical to think that the major details (including technical ones) can be revealed on the occasion of the Xbox Showcase and the Starfield Direct arriving on June 11, 2023. However, it is also possible that the aforementioned information could be the subject of a further study in the weeks between 11 June and 6 September. We just have to wait for the arrival of next month to find out what is in store for all users.

Source: Gaming store

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