Home » You must wash your hands immediately if you have touched these seemingly clean items

You must wash your hands immediately if you have touched these seemingly clean items

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You must wash your hands immediately if you have touched these seemingly clean items

For some, hygiene is never too much, others underestimate it, however there are objects in the house that seem clean but aren’t and you need to wash your hands immediately after touching them.

This rule it should be applied in general but even more for children who often tend to bring their hands to their mouths before eating because they touch the food and therefore risk contaminating it.

When you need to wash your hands right away (Grantennistoscana)

The general recommendation is to wash your hands oftennot excessively and obsessively, but enough to always guarantee proper hygiene and prevent contamination which can be dangerous.

Wash your hands after touching these items

Il Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which deals with preventing diseases in America has analyzed what are the daily practices and the repercussions on our body.

Wash your hands, what you risk if you don’t do it (Grantennistoscana)

One of the things we usually do is touch i money without washing your hands afterwards, on these there are many germs and bacteria of various kinds, E. Coli, pathogens and the situation is really dangerous for health because contamination of this type leads to the development of very severe intestinal problems.

However while some things are predictable others are less like the keyboards of pcs. These instruments are also very dirty, up to 400 different microbes are detected. No one uses the keyboard and then washes their hands because we don’t know it’s dirty. Another thing to watch out for is the supermarket trolleywhere there is always E.Coli which can cause even quite complex diseases.

Il door knob it is colonized by pathogenic microorganisms, so when you open a door, both at home and elsewhere, you need to sanitize your hands. Furthermore, mobile phones are highly dirty objects because it is customary to carry and place them everywhere. Even things that should be clean aren’t, like le sponges used to wash dishes, these are particularly affected by viruses. Even in the washing machine beyond the viruses it is possible to find the dangerous Rotavirus which survives, despite the high temperatures.

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In general, therefore, care must be taken always wash your hands with soap and water and calmly to best eradicate viruses and bacteria or, when you are not at home, use a disinfectant gel to prevent the appearance of real pathologies caused by germs and pathogens.

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