Home » Zuckerberg’s trainer: Martial arts conquers Silicon Valley

Zuckerberg’s trainer: Martial arts conquers Silicon Valley

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Zuckerberg’s trainer: Martial arts conquers Silicon Valley

KHai Wu has the battle name “The Shadow”. That’s what he calls himself because someone once came up to him after a fight and said he was hard to hit, like he was a shadow. Wu’s training partner Mark Zuckerberg still manages to do it sometimes. At least in the video of a training session that the co-founder and CEO of the internet company Meta published on Instagram a few months ago, in which he duels with Wu on the mat. “Nice,” Wu says in it repeatedly in praise. For example, when Zuckerberg grabs his thigh and throws him to the ground. Or when the multi-billionaire lies on his back and goes on the offensive by wrapping his leg around Wu’s neck. “Good work, Mark,” Wu says to his sweaty partner at the end.

The Meta boss has been a passionate amateur martial artist for a few years. He does Jiu-Jitsu, which he also speaks of mixed martial arts or MMA, which can contain elements of different martial arts. “It’s the best sport,” he said recently in a podcast. There was something “original” about it, and he was so fascinated from his first training that he wondered why he hadn’t been doing it his whole life. After an hour of martial arts, he feels ready to tackle any problem in his work.

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