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A march in Marrakesh denouncing the Israeli aggression

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A march in Marrakesh denouncing the Israeli aggression

Hespress Destinations Photos: Hespress Ibrahim Maghraoui from Marrakesh Sunday 31 March 2024 – 08:12

On Saturday, the local secretariat of the Moroccan Front for Supporting Palestine and Against Normalization in Marrakesh organized a march that started from the square of the Katiba Mosque in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

During this protest, which was organized in commemoration of the 48th anniversary of Land Day and to denounce the barbaric Israeli aggression, slogans were raised such as: “A thousand greetings and salutes to proud Gaza,” “From the Koutoubia Mosque to proud Gaza, the blood of the martyr will not be forgotten,” and “O resistance, we will be among you people.” All of Morocco is with you,” and “We are all sacrificed for steadfast Palestine.”

The protesters also denounced “the war of extermination and cleansing imposed by the Zionist entity on the Palestinian people at the behest of global Zionism, the complicity of the Arab regimes, and the international silence.”

The participants in the march demanded an end to the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, and an end to the policy of starvation and displacement pursued by the usurping entity. They also called on the Moroccan state to stop normalization with the Zionist entity, and to provide support to the Palestinian resistance.

Normalization March Palestine Marrakesh

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