Home » A network of cycle paths to cycle around the Solighese area

A network of cycle paths to cycle around the Solighese area

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A network of cycle paths to cycle around the Solighese area
By bike among the beauties of the Prosecco Hills

The program approved by the city council establishes protected connections for two wheels, in particular with Sernaglia. Money? From the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

PIEVE DI SOLIGO. In the last municipal council, held in recent days, a further program of cycle paths in Pieve di Soligo. And from this town to the surrounding area, Sernaglia in particular. In the municipal assembly it was decided to purchase new land to create a stretch of cycle path in Casoni locality. It is, as he explains the mayor Stefano Soldan, on the left side of the Card structure and there is already an agreement with the owners for the purchase.

«Our project is to gradually acquire a series of agricultural areas to achieve a cycle path that connects via 2 Giugno, in the center of Pieve, to the cycle path of the provincial road», Specifies the mayor. “This project design is part of the hypothesized connection of Pieve di Soligo with the network of cycle paths that promote sustainable mobility».

In this perspective, Pieve di Soligo and Sernaglia jointly presented the request for assistance – in the context of National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) for the enhancement of sustainable mobility – for the construction of cycle and pedestrian paths between the two centers and between the hamlets of Barbisano and Falzè di Piave.

The Soldan administration’s program, in terms of cycle paths, has also found the support of the League.

«We agree on thisHe admitted to the council Andrea Ros, the leader of the League“Sustainable mobility is important, but we disagree on other points such as the roundabout on the provincial road”.

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The mayor Soldan, for his part, believes that the development of the cycle and pedestrian network is essential also for the purposes of cycling tourism which will find development thanks to the Unesco protection of the Prosecco hills. A network that, among other things, will connect, through the Vallata with the Monaco-Venice, which in these days is registering the first presence of two-wheel enthusiasts from Central Europe.

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