Home » A new school for firefighters in Treviso, worth 5 million

A new school for firefighters in Treviso, worth 5 million

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A new school for firefighters in Treviso, worth 5 million

The announcement of the new commander Giuseppe Costa. “And on with the barracks in Oderzo.”

TREVISO. A little treasure to be managed and invested in a short time of almost 10 million euros. It is the one in the hands of Giuseppe Costatoday officially presented as the new commander of the Treviso fire brigade, a role that he will cover overlapping with Vicenza where he will maintain the same position until the end of the year, when his replacement will be appointed.

The treasury is the result of the appropriations approved by the Government for two distinct and very important operations: the first – approximately 5 million – will lead to the extension of the Treviso barracks, in via Santa Barbara, with the construction of a vehicle depot, a reception wing and a didactic wing that will make it possible to formally establish the training center for new firefighters (there are 12 structures throughout Italy); the second – 4.8 million – is aimed at the construction of the new barracks for the territory of Motta and Oderzo, which will be built in a wing of the former Zanusso barracks.

«Very important projects» Costa emphasizes, «which we intend to carry out in the shortest time possible and which will serve to make our work even more widespread and useful to the community». a community, the Treviso one, to which Costa says he is fond and to which he intends to bring back his firefighters “as soon as possible” by organizing “in the square in Treviso the next party of Santa Barbara, with demonstrations, games for the little ones. To reconnect with the community in presence ».

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Attention to the situation ofwater emergency and to the risk of “the multiplication of fires”, an eventuality for which Costa invites all citizens “to pay the utmost attention in parties with barbecues, in throwing cigarettes on the ground or managing open flames”.

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