Home » A number of “post-90s” cadres accepted the review and investigation report, causing concern that it is difficult to travel far if the festival is not guaranteed-News Channel-Hualong.com

A number of “post-90s” cadres accepted the review and investigation report, causing concern that it is difficult to travel far if the festival is not guaranteed-News Channel-Hualong.com

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A number of “post-90s” cadres accepted the review and investigation report, causing concern that it is difficult to travel far if the festival is not guaranteed-News Channel-Hualong.com

Recently, a number of “post-90s” cadres have been notified for review and investigation, which has aroused concern. Xiao Yao, a staff member of the Comprehensive Office of the People’s Court of Minquan County, Henan Province, born in 1994; Liu Fangxiu, deputy director of the City Appearance Management Unit of the Housing, Urban-Rural Development and Urban Management Bureau of Changning County, Sichuan Province, born in 1992; Tian Bowen, the former leader of the Luyuan Community Identification Team of the Shed Reform Office in Qiezihe District, Taihe City… These young people in their prime years have been investigated and investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

As “post-90s”, they have not entered the society for a long time, but they slipped into the abyss of corruption when their careers just started. What made them take the wrong first step? How should we help young cadres “fasten the first button” and go steadily and far on the right path?

Young cadres in key positions are easy to become the key “hunting” targets of criminals

“Young cadres in key positions are easily ‘hunted’.” Several discipline inspection and supervision cadres told reporters that young cadres are usually inexperienced and have not honed their ideals and beliefs. Once they have a certain amount of power, they are easy to become the key targets of criminals. .

Xu Yongbing, former director of the Economic Construction Service Center of Guanlu Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, was born in 1988. From a college student village official to a middle-level township cadre, he has also actively devoted himself to work. In 2019, Xu Yongbing served as the director of the Guanlu Town Economic Construction Service Center. In the process of serving the enterprise, he gradually had more contacts with the person in charge of the enterprise, and he also became smug in the feast and flattery of the bosses. In this year, he accepted the first red envelope with trepidation. After the initial apprehension faded away, greed took the upper hand, and Xu Yongbing began to shift his mind to seeking personal gain.

Since then, Xu Yongbing, who was supposed to be responsible for the supervision of production safety, fire protection and other matters of nearly 100 enterprises in his jurisdiction, began to regard the management and service objects as his “pocket”: from 2019 to the end of 2022, he thought that the daily On the grounds of providing help in safety inspections, hidden danger rectification, etc., or needing money to manage relationships, through WeChat red envelopes, Alipay transfers, etc., he directly asked for or accepted gift vouchers from management service objects more than 30 times, and was suspected of accepting bribes totaling 90,000 yuan. In March 2023, Xu Yongbing was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and the suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

“Because I have a little power in my hands, the business owners will do everything possible and use various means to please themselves. After getting in touch for a long time and becoming friends, I slowly relax my vigilance… As time goes by, I accept their gifts and benefits. I also feel that it should be taken for granted.” Zeng Fanxian, former manager of the second project department of Hezhou Pinggui Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd. in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, wrote this paragraph in his confession.

Zeng Fanxian was only 27 years old when he took bribes for the first time. Less than half a year after joining an important position in a state-owned enterprise, Tang Moumou, the management client, gave him 60,000 yuan in benefits. The line of defense was broken, and it has been out of control since then. From 2013 to 2022, Zeng Fanxian received cigarettes, liquor, and tea from management clients 69 times during his tenure as a staff member of the project department and manager of the second project department of Pinggui Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd. , moon cakes and other gifts and gift money, shopping cards totaled more than 87,000 yuan, and even the Spring Festival before being detained did not stop.

The experience of Xu Yongbing and Zeng Fanxian is a typical example of individual young cadres embarking on a path of violating discipline and law: after taking up an important position and holding a certain amount of power, they are overwhelmed by flattery and flattery, and lose themselves in power and material desires.

“Young cadres with high education and strong ability are often assigned to important positions and key links. However, due to the limitations of their growth experience, a small number of cadres are relatively weak in resisting temptation and discrimination, and they are very easy to become the targets of ‘hunting’.” Zhejiang. Cai Jianping, a member of the supervisory committee in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, told reporters.

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Gu Shiyu, member of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission and member of the Supervisory Committee of Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province, analyzed that unscrupulous businessmen tend to “hunt” young cadres. Falling into a trap; on the other hand, the rate of return on “investment” is high, and young cadres with high education are likely to become the “reserve army of leading cadres” to be trained mainly. They have great development potential and are “potential stocks” with low cost. start”.

Gu Shiyu said that the “hunting” methods of people with a heart are often carefully designed. Some start with their hobbies, and use high-end electronic products, game equipment, or point cards, which are popular among young people, as “customized gifts” to cater deliberately and accurately; Relatives and friends around them started to win over and get locked up step by step; some wore “invisibility cloaks” and gave gifts through the air through holiday red envelopes, electronic gift cards, etc., so that cadres could let go of their guard and were willing to be “hunted”… Handling cases and analyzing similar cases shows that many young party members and cadres embark on the path of corruption, often starting with some “small gifts” and “small meanings”, feeling that the amount is small and inappropriate, and half-pushing and half-spotting make big mistakes step by step.” Gu Shiyu said.

Online gambling, online games, high-end consumption… a small number of young cadres go astray in bad habits

In addition to being “hunted” by people with aspirations, there are also a small number of young cadres who have gone astray driven by their own bad habits, vanity, and desire for pleasure.

Gambling is a key word in the corruption case files of some young cadres. Ni Yazhou, born in 1995, is a former comprehensive teller at the Lixi Post Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd., Youyang County Branch, Chongqing City. Ni Yazhou was born in a small village in Langping Township, Youyang County. When he was young, his parents had to leave him to work because of poor family conditions. This made Ni Yazhou yearn for a family with good conditions and a happy reunion. However, he mistakenly chose to “get rich quick” through online gambling to realize his dream.

“At the beginning, I could win dozens of yuan every day. I think I can buy a car and a house by the end of the year. I will improve my life and materially. I will have a happy family and my dreams will come true easily…” Addicted to online gambling scams, once Ni Yazhou, who hoped to “make a comeback” for the second time, took advantage of his position eight times to steal a total of 348,000 yuan in remittance funds from the Lixi Post Branch Branch, and lost 345,100 yuan through online gambling. Ni Yazhou not only failed to realize his dream, but also ruined his future. In September 2020, 25-year-old Ni Yazhou was dismissed from public office; in December 2020, Ni Yazhou was sentenced to one year and ten months in prison and fined 100,000 yuan.

The online game “Krypton Gold” has also become a quagmire for a small number of young cadres. Sun Bingjie, the former fourth-level sergeant of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Naxi District Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, has a relatively wealthy family. Indulging in online games and high-end enjoyment is his first step into the abyss.

“I spend a lot of time and money on online games, spending as much as one million yuan in the process of playing games.” In the confession, Sun Bingjie said this. Indulging in online games for a long time made him lose his ideals, beliefs and enthusiasm for work. Especially after meeting the building materials bosses Ou Mou and Chen Mou, his vanity and desire for pleasure intensified, and he enjoyed high-end consumption in major hotels for a long time. The singing and dancing entertainment venue owed a high debt of more than 3 million yuan in just a few years.

Due to the unrestrained “super enjoyment”, Sun Bingjie can only rely on overdraft credit cards, online loans and borrowing from relatives and friends to survive. Although his father helped repay more than 2 million yuan halfway, the remaining more than 1 million yuan still weighed him down. Due to insolvency, Sun Bingjie actually tried to take advantage of the work of the persons involved in the presiding case to “rely on the case” to ask for property on the grounds of helping to hire lawyers and providing convenience for the persons involved. In February 2021, Sun Bingjie was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office; in December of the same year, he was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison and fined RMB 500,000.

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“Young cadres start early, grow fast, and have active thinking, but a small number of young cadres tend to get confused when faced with complex social trends, pursue vulgar interests, and even start breaking the law.” Cai Jianping said that young cadres have certain commonalities in corruption, such as corruption. Corruption funds are mainly used for high personal consumption of luxury goods and hobbies, and also for online gambling, online game recharge, and live streaming rewards.

Young cadres have relatively insufficient party spirit training, social experience, and grassroots experience. When they are tempted by bad temptations or encounter setbacks, they may “deviate” due to mental imbalance

Yang Chunjian, Director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee of Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province, told reporters that the violations of discipline and law by young cadres have several obvious characteristics: They are in key positions, and the purpose of corruption is “simple” and has a strong concealment.

“According to the data analysis of Yuhuan City in the past three years, among the cases of young cadres violating discipline and law, the heads of departments or grass-roots stations accounted for a prominent proportion, as high as 72%; their violations of discipline and law were closely related to their positions, and most of them were financial In middle-level key positions such as management and law enforcement supervision, many cases have a short incubation period, but the amount involved is not small.” Yang Chunjian said.

Judging from the cases of violations of discipline and law investigated and dealt with, the purpose of young cadres’ violations of discipline and law is relatively “direct”. Some are unable to make ends meet because they are keen on comparisons; some are infected with bad habits, tearing down the east to make up for the west, thus embarking on the road of no return to accepting bribes or embezzling public funds.

With the development and changes of society, the modus operandi adopted by young cadres for crimes has become more diversified. “Many young cadres have a high level of education, strong learning ability, and are good at using information technology. Therefore, they are more likely to ‘commit crimes alone’. Violations of discipline and law are relatively concealed, which brings great challenges to discovery and investigation. “Yang Chunjian said.

What are the reasons why young cadres go astray? Wang Daming, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Lianyungang City Discipline Inspection Commission of Jiangsu Province, analyzed: “Most young cadres go from the ‘family door’ to the ‘school gate’ and then to the ‘organ door’. , but in fact the party spirit training, social experience, and grassroots experience are relatively insufficient, and they are vulnerable to bad temptations, and may find it difficult to self-adjust when encountering setbacks, so that their mentality becomes unbalanced and they embark on the road of violating discipline and law.”

On the other hand, some young cadres who have just stepped out of the campus are often eager to integrate into the “small circle” to find a sense of belonging, and do not know how to reject unreasonable demands from others.

“The period when young cadres first started working is the stage with the strongest plasticity, which directly affects the cadres’ values ​​and outlook on life. When entering the unit, party members and cadres with more senior experience will often guide young cadres as masters. If you go the wrong way, it will directly lead to ‘the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked’.” said Sun Hong, Director of the Party Style and Political Style Supervision Office of the Disciplinary Commission and Supervisory Committee of Fuyang District, Hangzhou.

In addition, some units put more emphasis on use than supervision, and there are loopholes in management, which also prevents the “deviation” of young cadres from being corrected in time. “For example, some units hand over the official seal to young cadres for safekeeping, allowing them to be abused, but no one cares; Written on paper, it can’t play a supervisory role at all.” The responsible comrades of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee of Longyou County, Zhejiang Province said that the main leaders of some units neglected to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities, and they called it “full trust in young cadres”. In fact, it dug a deep hole and buried hidden dangers for the growth of young cadres.

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Emphasis should be placed on training young cadres, and more importantly, education and restraint should be strengthened

The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasized that we must attach great importance to discipline education for young leading cadres. We must pay attention to the training of young cadres, strengthen education and strengthen restraint, and encourage young cadres to take responsibility in the midst of strict management and love.

Onboarding education is the first stage of the transformation of young cadres into public officials, and it is also a critical period for fastening the “first button” of being honest and honest in politics. The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Fuyang District, Hangzhou City focuses on the “golden period” of cadres’ entry, and implements the “Blue Project”, requiring outstanding backbones with excellent work style in each unit to pair up with newly recruited young cadres in a “one-on-one” master-apprentice pairing, bringing both business and style . At the same time, warning education books such as “Integrity to the Future” and warning education films such as “Buttoning the “First Button” of Integrity in Politics” were added to the training curriculum system of the Party School of the District Party Committee. class.

The daily education management supervision of young cadres is a systematic project. The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Rencheng District, Jining City, Shandong Province has incorporated the supervision of young cadres into the focus of daily supervision, urged party committees (party groups) at all levels and departments to conscientiously fulfill their main responsibilities, and strengthened supervision of young cadres in key positions. At the same time, insist on warning with cases, use typical cases around you as “living teaching materials” for warning education, and continue to carry out activities to warn people around you with things around you. Organized the “Canal Breeze” preaching group to carry out 12 “order-style” preaching activities based on the characteristics of young cadres, and educated more than 2,100 young cadres.

Strict discipline and rules, and build a clean line of defense. Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province formulated and implemented the “Implementation Measures for Improving the Fault Tolerance and Liability Exemption Mechanism in Jiangshan City to Encourage Cadres to Take Actions (Trial)” and “Eight Measures to Care and Care for Cadres” to escort the healthy growth of young cadres. Build a “big platform” for incorruptible practice, formulate and implement the “Implementation Measures for Selecting and Dispatching Outstanding Cadres to the Municipal Party Committee for Inspection and Exercise (Trial)”, so that young cadres can see clearly whether some things should be done and whether they can do them in the inspection practice, and always respect themselves Self-examination, strict observance of discipline and rules.

Zhenghe County, Fujian Province centered on the center of “learning from Comrade Liao Junbo’s advanced deeds and serving the overall situation of development efficiently”, and formulated 20 measures such as strengthening professional training, establishing a “helping” mechanism, and strengthening supervision and assessment, focusing on improving young cadres’ political and professionalism. In order to solve the problems existing in the young cadres, such as insufficient political standing, shifting work, and slow implementation, the young cadres continue to inspire the spirit of struggle.

In addition, for young cadres who have been punished for minor violations of discipline, help and educate them well, so that they can “stand up” and “catch up” as soon as possible. The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province has established a normalized return visit education mechanism, established “one person, one file” for young cadres who have been punished, and implemented assistance in a hierarchical and classified manner. Young cadres have the confidence to act after they realize their mistakes and correct them.

Whether young cadres can be honest and self-disciplined is not only related to their personal future and destiny, but also related to the development of the party and the country. To prevent “corruption and rejuvenation”, it is necessary to tighten the cage of the system, effectively strengthen the education, guidance, supervision and restriction of young leading cadres, and do a good job in the education, management and supervision of young cadres. It is also necessary for young cadres to remember that incorruptibility is a blessing and greed is a curse. The truth, always self-respect and self-examination, strictly abide by discipline and rules. (Li Yunshu)

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