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About the farce of separating male and female students at Sana’a University

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About the farce of separating male and female students at Sana’a University


Abdul Wahab Al Sharafi


Have you heard of an entity representing students announcing a new educational system, or is that the right of the Ministry of Education..?

Have you heard of an entity representing students that publishes lecture schedules, or is that the task of the college administration?

We are going through the saddest phase that Yemen has ever known. This is not evidenced by this announcement of the so-called University Student Forum in the College of Mass Communication.


Although it is a suspicious and illegal entity to represent students, it is, on top of that, behaving as if academic education in Yemen is subject to it. Have you heard on Earth that an entity representing students announces to students the start date of the school year, or is the Ministry of Education concerned with the announcement?


The country was not run in a farce as it is being run today. Rather, the matter has gone beyond the stage of farce and the announcement of the so-called University Student Forum, which means that the matter has reached the point of insolence, to the point that it replaced itself with the Ministry of Higher Education, the Presidency of the University and the Dean of the College..!! What did you describe as announcing the start date of the school year? And to announce what he said about the academic system.


This announcement does not mean separating male students from female students, but rather separating university studies from the Ministry of Higher Education, the presidency of the university, and the deanship of the college. Rather, it separated him from the academy as a whole and turned it into an education controlled by a group of mobs from head to toe.

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