Home » AFDL revolution: Professor Carlos Mupili dispels misunderstandings – Capsud.internet

AFDL revolution: Professor Carlos Mupili dispels misunderstandings – Capsud.internet

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AFDL revolution: Professor Carlos Mupili dispels misunderstandings – Capsud.internet

Professor Carlos Mupili spoke on the event of the anniversary of the liberation struggle of Laurent Désiré Kabila in opposition to Marshal Mobutu, celebrated each May 17.

According to him, May 17 is a date that restores the date of June 30, 1960. Because 3 months after independence, the Prime Minister and head of presidency, Emery Patrice Lumumba, was arrested and assassinated by Western imperialists. to impose neocolonialism. That is to say: “Indirect domination”.

This is why, he added, a disciple of Lumumba needed to return to drive out the regime which labored for the pursuits of the imperialists to the detriment of the pursuits of the folks and put energy again within the fingers of the Congolese.


The Missions of the so-called struggle of liberation

According to this authorized knowledgeable, the struggle of liberation led by Laurent Désiré Kabila had 3 missions:

The liberation of Congo from the neocolonialism system; The democratization of the nation “what we did each time we liberated the nation by organizing elections by present of fingers, which was an efficient and environment friendly vote”; The reconstruction and improvement of the nation.

Professor Carlos Mupilu thinks that immediately, the Congolese have misplaced the legacy of Mzee Kabila’s struggle.


The instructor dots the “i’s”

Professor Carlos Mupili additionally returned to what was mentioned concerning the collaboration on the time, between Laurent Désiré Kabila and Rwanda.

« Accusations equivalent to that it’s due to the AFDL that we have now insecurity within the East, I consider that it’s the Mobutists and the imperialists who create this disinformation to tarnish the picture of Laurent Désiré Kabila and the favored wrestle. Because the AFDL had the help and help of all Congolese folks. People discuss Rwanda as an ally of the AFDL, they overlook that Mobutu was additionally supported by the interahamwe who’re additionally Rwandans. People should know that any struggle of liberation is all the time fought with allies. We noticed it in China, in Cuba…”, he mentioned.


The contribution of the UDPS to the victory of Laurent Désiré Kabila

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Carlos Mupili revealed that the UDPS had contributed so much to eradicating Mobutu.

« And moreover, it’s due to the UDPS and its chief Maximo, Doctor Étienne Tshisekedi that the AFDL had the possibility to advance rapidly. Because it had succeeded in weakening Mobutu’s system internally. And when the AFDL organized the elections by present of fingers, nearly all of these elected have been UDPS executives. he concluded.

It is price remembering that it was on May 17, 1997 that the AFDL set foot on Kinshasa soil.


Emongo Gérôme

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