Home » After a month, the declaration of income will begin

After a month, the declaration of income will begin

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After a month, the declaration of income will begin

Photo: Pixabay Income declaration will start in a month. Photo: Pixabay

The filing of income tax returns for 2023 will begin on February 15. However, you can already check the use of your tax-free income in the MTA e-services environment.

The MTA’s e-service “My income” provides an overview of who has made payments to a person and in what amount in 2023, and how much tax-free income has been used. You can also see your expected income tax liability there. The final income tax liability is determined after filing the income tax return, when all taxable income and tax credits have been taken into account.

According to Annika Oja, the service manager of the Tax and Customs Board’s natural person service, the data on tax incentives transmitted to the MTA can be consulted from the beginning of the submission of the income declaration, but there are no changes in this area compared to last year.

“Housing loan interest, training costs, gifts and donations can continue to be deducted from income up to 1,200 euros, but no more than 50% of the total taxable income earned,” he added.

Also, for the last time, it is possible to receive additional tax-free income for a child up to 17 years of age starting with the second child, and spouses can transfer their unused tax benefits to the spouse’s income tax return.

“If the total annual income of the spouses does not exceed 50,400 euros per calendar year and one of the spouses did not earn income in 2022 or his annual income was less than 2,160 euros, he can transfer the unused tax-free part to the other spouse. The party that wants to transfer its benefit to another should be the first to fill out its declaration,” explained Oja.

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Additional tax-free income for children is reflected in the declaration of the parent who has received child support from the Social Insurance Board during the year.

However, by logging into e-MTA, you could already review your contact information. According to Oja, the lack of people’s contact information and bank account continues to be one of the most common problems, why overpaid income tax cannot be returned to people.

“We would like to remind you that in order for us to refund the overpaid income tax determined on the basis of the declaration, the person must have the bank account number indicated on the income declaration in e-MTA, where they wish to receive an entry. Even today, many people are still waiting for a tax refund from the past year, which has not been possible because they do not have an account number or cannot be contacted,” said Oja.

Filing of income tax returns begins on February 15 and the filing deadline is April 30. You can read more about the 2023 income declaration on the page “2023. a declaration of income”.

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