Home » All the numbers of Draghi in the House and in the Senate: how much does the M5s really matter

All the numbers of Draghi in the House and in the Senate: how much does the M5s really matter

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All the numbers of Draghi in the House and in the Senate: how much does the M5s really matter

In the uncertainty of the government crisis, let’s let the numbers speak: if the Five Star Movement were to abandon ship, the Draghi executive would still have the numbers to gain confidence, both in the House and in the Senate. Obviously, on the political level, the exit of a party would profoundly change the profile of the executive. But according to the numerical reasons, the Draghi government could stay afloat. Always if, of course, Lega and Fi confirm support for the executive. Let’s see the data in detail.

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Federico Capurso

In Montecitorio, if the 104 votes of the entire group of M5s were to fail, the majority would still have 450 deputies (Fi 82, Ipf 53, Iv 30, Lega 131, Leu 9, Pd 97, Coraggio Italia 11, Action 7, Cd 5 , Maie 5, Linguistic minorities 4, NcI 5, Italy in the Center 11) out of a total of 630.
The oppositions count 61 votes (of which 37 from Fdi, the only one to have a group and not a simple member of the Mixed group), while 15 former M5s deputies of the Mixed group, not enrolled in any component, sometimes support the initiatives of the executive and sometimes no.

Madama Palace
Similar is the situation at Palazzo Madama where the government, even if the 61 senators of M5s pull back, could count on the consent of another 204 votes (out of 321), excluding the 6 life senators who are not always present: Fi 51, Ipf 11 , Iv 15, Lega 61, Pd 39, Autonomie 6, 21 of the 39 of the Mixed group (the components of Leu, Action / + Europe, Italy in the Center, NcI, Noi di Centro).

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The precedent of the Ciampi government
And in the case of a step backwards by the premier? Leaving aside the numerical reasons and returning to assessments of the political framework, the only precedent should be sought in the Ciampi government, which on 13 January 1994 resigned during the parliamentary debate on a motion of no confidence, while a resolution of confidence was also presented. that he would have the numbers. The then president Scalfaro dissolved the Chambers on the 16th, without however accepting Ciampi’s resignation.

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