Home » Altercation at the closing of a clandestine dance in Cotopaxi

Altercation at the closing of a clandestine dance in Cotopaxi

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Altercation at the closing of a clandestine dance in Cotopaxi

According to the Police, patrol cars were also affected.

The National Police spoke about this violent event that occurred on March 17 in Cotopaxi. An altercation occurred at a clandestine party on the road Alpamalag. Said dance did not have the relevant permits, according to the police entity.

“A group of people in an alcoholic state attacked the lives of police officers with stones and sticks. Likewise, they detained two uniformed officers, stripping them of part of their equipment,” the Police said in a statement through the social network X.

There were not only troops affected. According to the police version, a subject attacked a police officer with a blunt object near his head. When trying to take away the weapon, the aggressor was injured with a projectile impact. He then he passed away.

According to The Telegraphtwo agents were injured in the incident that occurred in Cotopaxi. In addition, there are damages to two patrol cars, the theft of three feeders, a communication radio and 29 cartridges; as well as damage to a Community Police Unit (UPC).

“The police officers were transferred to a care home due to the attacks caused, where they were granted sick leave for three and 30 days respectively,” the Police reported.

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