Home » Alto Paraná is the second region with the highest electoral flow in the country

Alto Paraná is the second region with the highest electoral flow in the country

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Alto Paraná is the second region with the highest electoral flow in the country
Loses just for Central. Asunción ranks third.

The department of Alto Paraná has 520,164 voters qualified to vote on April 30, with this total it is positioned in second place with the highest electoral flow, after the Central department; which has 1,293,409, with Asunción remaining in third place, with 438,618 voters. According to the data provided by the Directorate for Updating and Depuration of the Permanent Civic Registry (RCP) of the total of 4,782,940 voters qualified to vote in the next elections, 47% of the voters are concentrated in the Central, Alto Paraná and Asunción, in that order.

In addition, it is revealed that of the total number of voters; 2,420,232 are men, which represents 51% of those qualified, and 2,362,708 are women, that is, 49%. From the data discrimination, it is observed that, of the total number of qualified voters, 31% belong to the youth group between 18 and 29 years of age; 57% affect people between the ages of 30 and 64 and 12% are older adults, 65 years of age or older.

Marizol González, director of Updating and Purification of the RCP, reported that the deceased, police and military personnel, as well as citizens who have been sentenced to imprisonment, were purged from the list of qualified voters, according to communications sent by the Directorate of the Registry of Civil Status as well as of the Supreme Court of Justice, he explained.

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