Home » Army carried out operations against drug trafficking in Huila

Army carried out operations against drug trafficking in Huila

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Army carried out operations against drug trafficking in Huila

These actions carried out last weekend, resulted in the seizure of 24.5 kilos of narcotics and the confiscation of 683 million pesos.

The Ninth Brigade, in coordination with the Huila Police and the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office, continues to permanently guard the roads of the department. This joint work has succeeded in neutralizing the attempts of criminal gangs to use these routes as mobility corridors for drug trafficking.

In the village of El Cedro, Pitalito municipality, units of the Magdalena Battalion carried out a joint operation with the CTI, resulting in the red-handed capture of an individual. During the inspection of the vehicle in which it was transported, 12 kilos of coca base paste were found, hidden in the spare tire, with an approximate value of 42 million pesos.

The fight against drug trafficking also spread to the village of Panorama, in the municipality of La Plata, in western Huila. Through the collaboration between troops from the Pigoanza Battalion and the Huila Police, the seizure of 12.5 kilos of marijuana was achieved, as well as the immobilization of a motorcycle. These results were obtained after the driver abandoned the vehicle and the cargo after the intervention of the security forces in the area.

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In addition, in the village of Satía, Suaza municipality, the troops together with the CTI carried out a successful operation, which resulted in the confiscation of 683 million pesos and the capture of an individual for alleged illicit enrichment. It is suspected that the seized money was destined for illegal activities, such as drug trafficking.

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The soldiers of the Ninth Brigade are deployed on the highways of the department 24 hours a day, ensuring the safety and well-being of residents and visitors. The fight against drug trafficking is constant and it seeks to dismantle each link in this criminal chain to guarantee a safe environment for all.

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