Home » At the Olaya Herrera airport there are free tango and milonga classes

At the Olaya Herrera airport there are free tango and milonga classes

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At the Olaya Herrera airport there are free tango and milonga classes

The free tango classes at the Olaya Herrera airport in Medellín are now open to the public. This initiative of the air terminal, to which the Secretariat of Citizen Culture joins, has been going on for more than six years and has brought together some 800 people of different ages, communes and corregimientos.

About the classes

The death of Carlos Gardel, in 1935, made Medellín a benchmark for tango and the airport pays tribute to his memory. For this reason, lovers of this gaucho rhythm will receive, free of charge, 32 tango classes and 16 milonga sessions to put what they have learned into practice.

The free tango classes will be on Wednesdays, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, and the milonga classes, on Saturdays, every 15 days, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, in Patio Gardel, inside airport facilities.

Those who wish to be in training can enroll in or, well, enroll the day they attend class. It is recommended to arrive early to the sessions and wear appropriate clothing for greater comfort.

People who attend at least 80% of the classes will receive a symbolic certificate and will participate in the closing ceremony in November, when they will show everything they have learned.

“We want the city to recognize the airport, not only as an air terminal, but also as a heritage space, a space open to culture, art and academia. That is why we generate an agenda that includes exhibitions, workshops, talks, guided tours, contests and city events”, said the manager of the Olaya Herrera Airport, Jesús Sánchez.

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