Home » Attacks on Gaza increase: 174 more Palestinian martyrs

Attacks on Gaza increase: 174 more Palestinian martyrs

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Attacks on Gaza increase: 174 more Palestinian martyrs

Doha has sheltered the entire leadership of Hamas, if the Qatari government wants, all the Israeli hostages can be released’ Netanyahu accused Qatar of sponsoring Hamas.
Web Desk: Israel sped up its attacks on Gaza, flouting the decision of the International Court of Justice. As a result of fresh bombardment of residential areas, 174 more Palestinians were martyred within 24 hours.
According to reports of foreign news agencies, Israel carried out heavy airstrikes near two important hospitals in Khan Yunis.
The Israeli army has been besieging Khan Younis’ Alamal Hospital for the past one week and kidnapped Dr. Bassam, the head of the Orthopedic Surgery Department of Al-Nasr Hospital.
On the other hand, the hardships of the war-ravaged Palestinians have increased due to the increase in cold after the heavy rain in Gaza.
According to the Arab media, more than 1.3 million Palestinians are forced to live under the open sky in Rafah, the citizens are facing shortage of warm clothes, food and tents, the Israeli army blockaded the hospitals and stopped the supply of medicines. Is.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has opened a new front against Islamic countries.
Netanyahu accused Qatar of sponsoring Hamas, saying that Doha has sheltered the entire leadership of Hamas, and if the Qatari government wants, all the Israeli hostages can be released.
The Israeli finance minister has said that the Israeli army will remain in control of Gaza, and the Israeli army will supervise the civil affairs in Gaza.
Smutrich said that it would be difficult to bring back Israeli refugees, which could stop the war, and that Israel’s war plans would fail in an agreement with Hamas in Gaza.

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