Home » Authoritative Express from Xinhua News Agency丨Xi Jinping and Uruguayan President Lacalle announced that they will upgrade China-Uruguay relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership-Xinhuanet

Authoritative Express from Xinhua News Agency丨Xi Jinping and Uruguayan President Lacalle announced that they will upgrade China-Uruguay relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership-Xinhuanet

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Authoritative Express from Xinhua News Agency丨Xi Jinping and Uruguayan President Lacalle announced that they will upgrade China-Uruguay relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership-Xinhuanet

On the afternoon of November 22, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People with President Lacalle of Uruguay, who was in China for a state visit. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Uzbekistan relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

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[Editor in charge: Wang Di]


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